• "To use a term that includes the word 'boy' to describe a state of independence and free-thinking for women seems kind of backward, " Spinelli said.

    CNN: Girl, where'd you get that necktie?

  • MBO, a company that specializes in providing services to this happy group, has just published its second State of Independence report, which documents the scale and attitudes of independent work in the United States and has some surprising things to say about who is happy, and who is happier.

    FORBES: Who Are The Happiest Workers in America (And Who Is Getting Happier)?

  • But the deep symbiosis of organized crime and an oppressively powerful state limited the independence of the gangsters and made it unnecessary to settle every difference with violence.

    NEWYORKER: Silver or Lead

  • Independent legal opinion by two of the world's leading experts in international law and the law of state formation concludes that, in the event of independence, the UK would continue and Scotland would form a new, separate state.

    BBC: Scotland politics

  • Indeed, many nationalists see the establishment of such things as a Scottish Broadcasting Corporation and a Scottish welfare state as the whole point of independence.

    ECONOMIST: Scottish nationalism

  • In their view, frightened of both a unilateral Palestinian declaration of independence and of a binational state, Netanyahu will abandon his demand for a demilitarized Palestinian state and for defensible borders for Israel and voluntarily withdraw the IDF and the 250, 000 Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria to within the 1949 armistice lines.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama's failure, Netanyahu's opportunity

  • In case some politicians found it difficult to understand all this, Article 2(4) spelled it out in unequivocal terms: "All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state".


  • The unexpected turn of events left Congress, which has ruled India for all but five of the 51 years since Independence, in a state of euphoric resurgence.


  • On the other side of the coin are serial defaulters such as Greece, which according to authors Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff has spent more than half of its existence since independence in 1829 in a state of default.

    WSJ: Lessons for Euro From Two Revolutions

  • He was convicted of "acts against the independence and integrity of the state" and sentenced to 15 years in prison.

    CNN: When Americans held in global power games

  • Unionists say the SNP has hidden the true state of Scotland's finances in order to pursue the cause of independence.

    BBC: Deficit, growth and prospects

  • Further, this is the seventh time the president has mentioned energy independence in his State of the Union message, but for the first time this exchange is taking place in a Congress led by the Democratic Party.

    NPR: State of the Union: Democratic Response Text

  • The movement for independence of the entire state is mainly supported by Kashmiris who inhabit the more populous Kashmir Valley and who would like both India and Pakistan to vacate the areas they are occupying.

    BBC: Scenario four: Independent Kashmir

  • And also I conveyed the His Excellency that the position of Indonesia is clear that we need a resolution on Palestine-Israel in a permanent, sustainable manner, a two-state solution and independence for the people of Palestine who are living in peace with the people of Israel, and must be supported by the international community.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Yudhoyono Press Availability | The White House

  • Kosovo, which is considered by nationalists to be the medieval cradle of the Serbian state and religion, declared independence in 2008.

    NPR: Serbian Government Approves Deal With Kosovo

  • Responding to the parliamentary vote, the US state department said recognition of the two provinces' independence would be "a violation of Georgian territorial integrity" and "inconsistent with international law".

    BBC: Russian MPs back Georgia's rebels

  • It should also state that as a consequence of Kosovo's independence, Israel rejects the deployment of any international forces to Gaza or Judea and Samaria, and refuses to cede its legal right to sovereignty in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem to international arbitration.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Kosovo's stark warning

  • Last month, she approved a third-grade textbook for Arab Israelis that teaches children that Arabs view the 1948 War of Independence, in which the infant state warded off the invading armies of five Arab states determined to annihilate its Jewish population, as "the nakba, " or catastrophe.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel's reeducation minister

  • It was thought that the vast territories newly made available for the fulfillment of Arab ambitions for independence would make it easier to win acceptance within the region of a Jewish State in Palestine.


  • In the event of independence, there would be a new state in the international community called Scotland.

    BBC: Scotland politics

  • On the other, Hillary Clinton needed to demonstrate her independence and strength outside of her home state of New York as a genuine political leader in her own right.

    CNN: Analysis: What's next for Bill Clinton?

  • With the optimism, energy and determination characteristic of its people, Kosovo has made significant progress in solidifying the gains of independence and in building the institutions of a modern, multi-ethnic, inclusive and democratic state.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • "With the optimism, energy and determination characteristic of its people, Kosovo has made significant progress in solidifying the gains of independence and in building the institutions of a modern, multi-ethnic, inclusive and democratic state, " he said.

    BBC: Kosovo declared 'fully independent'

  • As she told the BBC, this would be next stage of a journey for Jamaica which began with slavery at the hands of the British and which will end, if Simpson Miller gets her way, with full independence and a home grown head of state.

    BBC: Prince Harry 'charms' on Jamaican tour

  • It also provides a robust legal basis for one of the most important issues that is central to the debate ahead of the referendum - namely that in the event of independence the UK would be the continuing state and Scotland would have to form a new state.

    BBC: Scotland politics

  • The key issue, therefore, relates to an independent Scotland's membership of the EU. As outlined, an independent Scottish state could not automatically become a new member of the EU upon independence because there is no explicit provision for this process in the EU's own membership rules.

    BBC: Scotland politics

  • Muslim secessionists have been waging a bitter and protracted insurgency in India's portion of Kashmir, demanding either outright independence for the Himalayan state or union with Islamic Pakistan.

    CNN: U.N. won't negotiate for India in hijacking, minister says

  • After Ireland became free from the British in 1922 (when the War of Independence resulted in the declaration of the Irish Free State), the government, with the support of the Catholic Church, passed the Censorship of Film Act.

    BBC: The evolution of Irish cinema

  • The rebels are now driven not by ideas of independence but by revenge or the vision of an Islamist state.

    ECONOMIST: Russia's north Caucasus

  • In 1956 Tunisia was granted independence, with the Bey of Tunis as head of state and Mr Bourguiba as his prime minister.

    ECONOMIST: Habib Bourguiba

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