• That is partly the healthy consequence of liberal economic reforms in the 1980s and 1990s: the previous policies of state-led import-substitution tended to concentrate economic activity close to the centres of political power.

    ECONOMIST: Productivity in Latin America

  • As a result of ordering state gas company Naftohaz to sign an import contract with Russia in 2009 she inflicted damages of 1.5bn hrivnas on the company, he added.

    BBC: Ukraine ex-PM Yulia Tymoshenko jailed over gas deal

  • In the public sector, Bill Casey served as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs and President of the U.S. Export-Import Bank.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • To alleviate a spare-parts shortage that is slowly crippling transportation, the company of the president's second son Bambang Trihatmodjo recently got permission to import parts at a state-subsidized exchange rate of 5, 000 rupiah to the greenback.


  • The clean-energy export initiative is also being sponsored by the Departments of Commerce, State, and Agriculture and a clutch of federal agencies like the Export-Import Bank and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

    FORBES: Clean Energy Exports? Think Energy Audits, Not Solar Panels

  • Abandoned by the former Harrah's Entertainment Inc. in 2008, Baha Mar last year found a new financial backer in the Export-Import Bank of China and a builder in China State Construction Engineering Corp.

    WSJ: Resort Operator Kerzner Becomes Smaller

  • Over the past few years, state-owned financial institutions, mainly the Export-Import Bank of China and the China Development Bank, have extended tens of billions of dollars to Brazil, Russia and Kazakhstan, among other countries.

    FORBES: Obama Policy Hands China Global Energy Supremacy

  • In that case, state prosecutors accused him of fraudulently persuading investors to pump money into a clothing import business that didn't actually exist.

    NPR: Federal Prosecutors Unseal Hsu Complaint

  • Large, state-controlled lenders China Development Bank Corp. and Export-Import Bank of China are planning to pitch dim-sum bonds in London to investors, said people familiar with the matter.

    WSJ: Dim Sum Bonds Get Western Flavor

  • It appeared that Iranian pistachios would finally enter the U.S. last March when Secretary of State Madeleine Albright lifted 13-year sanctions on them, together with import bans on Persian carpets and caviar.

    FORBES: Nutty

  • Mr. Arafat, his wife and a coterie of close advisors, were personally pocketing hundreds of millions of dollars each year in tax transfers and kickbacks from state-controlled monopoly import contracts on virtually every basic commodity needed in Gaza and the West Bank.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Don't Throw Good Money After Bad in the Middle East

  • California has also managed to import some of the grape's Old World confusion factor, since the state's wineries tend to label bottles "Pinot Grigio" or "Pinot Gris" based on whim rather than wine style.

    FORBES: Wine & Spirts

  • Instead of developing those fields in the northern state of Coahuila, Pemex will instead focus on oil output, and the Mexican state power utility will import more gas.

    FORBES: New EIA Report Says Shale Gas Boom Could Go Global

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