• "Euro Area members of the G-20 will take all necessary policy measures to safeguard the integrity and stability of the area, improve the functioning of financial markets and break the feedback loop between sovereigns and banks, " they said.

    CNN: Obama: Europe should stress financial integration

  • General Alu Aurakzai, the man charged with trying to bring stability to the area.

    NPR: Trip to Religious School Offers Window on Pakistan

  • Simon Mayall told a press briefing that Panther's Claw was aimed at safeguarding the elections in addition to securing long term stability in the area.

    CNN: UK: Troops did not die for just 150 Afghan votes

  • The agreement, hammered out between the United Iraqi Alliance and the Sadrists, is intended to clear the neighborhood of weaponry and outlaws and restore stability to the area.

    CNN: Iraqi forces move into Sadr City; violence elsewhere

  • But, even if it is not directly involved, it has done little to check the paramilitary advance into the proposed safe haven, or to help bring stability to the area.

    ECONOMIST: Colombia

  • Council officials were trying to assess the stability of the immediate area to establish what action needed to be taken.

    BBC: Landslip at Knipe Point, Scarborough 'threatens' homes

  • The stability of the Euro area and the German banks which hold Greek government debt was too much of a concern.

    BBC: Greece's international rescue deal takes shape

  • "It was important for us to get some long-term stability in this important area because we've got some big things to do, " said Gordon Smith, the USTA's executive director and chief operating officer.

    WSJ: USTA Opens Up Its Wallet

  • But everyone will be looking to see some real substance to go with Angela Merkel's promise, at the start of this year, to "do what it takes to safeguard the the stability of the euro area".

    BBC: A fork in the road for the euro?

  • The purpose of operation Marne Thunderbolt is to "establish patrol bases in and amongst the Iraqi people in the southern Arab Jabour area, so then we can go about bringing better stability and better services into their area, " Huggins said.

    CNN: Iraq official: 3 suicide bombers at large in Anbar after blast

  • And thanks to the euro area's stability and growth pact, Germany has limited room to stimulate its economy using fiscal policy.

    ECONOMIST: Borrowed time

  • Germany is already in breach of the euro area's stability and growth pact, which supposedly limits government deficits to 3% of GDP.

    ECONOMIST: From third way to Thatcherism

  • Because asset sales are one-off, that will make it harder for Germany to get below the ceiling on borrowing in 2005 set by the euro area's stability pact.

    ECONOMIST: German reforms

  • He has made a decent fist of running Portugal over the past two years, including an honest effort to observe the budget-deficit ceilings set by the euro area's stability and growth pact.

    ECONOMIST: European Commission

  • He really thought that in order to have stability and something resembling peace in this area the Arab world and the Palestinians have to go through something of a transformation and that takes time.

    NPR: The Future of Sharon's Kadima Party

  • Euro-area leaders agreed that the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), their new permanent rescue fund, would be able to inject funds directly into banks rather than via loans to the government.

    ECONOMIST: Spain and the markets

  • The company said the reports concluded that Dounreay was in "a very seismically stable area" and, due to this stability, a tsunami was unlikely to occur from an earthquake.

    BBC: Dounreay reports on tsunami and earthquake resilience

  • How to distinguish between preserving financial stability (a matter for the 17 euro-area states) and preserving the single market in financial services (a question for all 27 EU members)?

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • Planners have also expressed concerns over traffic congestion and road safety as well as the project's impact on flood risk, trees in the area, wildlife, landscape, ground stability and potential contamination.

    BBC: King's Lynn waste incinerator out for second consultation

  • Sanctions exist, in theory, in the stability and growth pact, which requires euro-area countries to keep deficits below 3% of GDP and government debt below 60% of GDP, but they have never been imposed.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • EU's stability and growth pact, fiscal policy in the euro area will be slightly contractionary in both 2003 and 2004.

    ECONOMIST: European economies

  • Second, fiscal policy in the euro area is constrained by the European Union's stability and growth pact, which limits budget deficits, while wages and prices are less flexible than in America.

    ECONOMIST: The European Central Bank

  • According to the rules any country, including Spain and Italy, that appeals for the OMT program must first request a bailout from the euro-area's rescue fund -- the European Stability Mechanism.

    CNN: The eurozone's reluctant leader

  • Ireland this week became the first euro-area member to declare that it would bust the stability-pact ceiling on budget deficits of 3% of GDP next year: it expects a deficit closer to 6%.

    ECONOMIST: Europe and the financial crisis

  • Under the terms of the deal, this supervisory body will oversee the eurozone's banks and use the single currency area's rescue funds, the European Financial Stability Facility or European Stability Mechanism, to aid banks directly without adding to governments' debt.

    CNN: Eurozone ministers agree bailout for ailing Spanish banks

  • Political discord surrounding fiscal debates in the United States, austerity fatigue in the euro area, and border disputes in Asia could jeopardise macroeconomic stability.

    BBC: Asian Development Bank forecasts fragile 2013 recovery

  • Adjusting for the economic cycle, fiscal policy has been much tighter in the euro area than in America or Britain, thanks to the stability and growth pact, which forced governments to raise taxes even during a downturn.

    ECONOMIST: The European Central Bank

  • All the critical systems in a modern car -- engine, transmission, brakes, stability controls -- are linked to a single electronic system called the Controller Area Network bus, or CAN bus.

    CNN: Behold the?all-seeing, self-parking, safety-enforcing, networked car

  • On fiscal policy, too, euro-area governments have been reluctant to ease the requirements of the growth and stability pact, despite a widespread view that some fiscal loosening would give a much-needed spurt to European growth.

    ECONOMIST: The fragile world recovery | The

  • The bank remains a strong advocate of the stability and growth pact, which is meant to curb excessive budget deficits in the euro area.

    ECONOMIST: Wait and see, again | The

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