• Should that happen, history may record this as a moment when the failure to speak truth to the Chinese Communists in power in Beijing condemned the two nations to conflict down the road.


  • Indian officials speak admiringly of investments in China by the overseas Chinese.

    ECONOMIST: Indian bonds

  • So I understand when Chinese people who live in China speak highly of their leaders: they are brainwashed (I have experienced this first-hand).

    FORBES: Getting Your Arms Around China And Japan

  • They speak Chinese to each other, something rarely done in Javanese cities.


  • And at a seminar in Mandarin in July, Tang reportedly noted that 80% of Chinese Singaporeans speak Mandarin.

    CNN: The Ruling Party vs. Tang

  • One day - soon, let us hope - the Chinese people will be free to speak their minds, to worship in peace, to choose their rulers.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: No ��Triumph of the Will' for China

  • Nick Cucinella, CEO at CareerBuilder China, advises graduates to have a CV in both English and Chinese, even if they don't speak the language, and that taking the initiative and targeting prospective employers and Chinese companies is the best path to a job.

    CNN: What does it take to get a job in China?

  • After all, Koreans speak the same language despite the adoption of many English and Chinese words in the South and share the same traditions.

    ECONOMIST: North Korea: Forgotten heroes | The

  • Then we will be having an event where the President will have the opportunity to engage in a dialogue with Chinese youth, where he'll have the opportunity both to speak to them and also to take some questions and hear directly from young Chinese.


  • Since my family couldn't speak Chinese, I had to guide them, somehow, through more than 2, 000 miles in China and then into Southeast Asia.

    CNN: Why I fled North Korea

  • They advanced much more quickly than if they had tried to climb the career ladder in the U.S. One young woman who works in financial services is already doing deals with senior Chinese executives even though she doesn't speak Mandarin.

    FORBES: Careers

  • So, again, I don't have a specific, itemized list of the topics that were discussed in the Oval Office, but I can assure that, broadly speaking, we speak very candidly with the Chinese.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

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