• That IaaS product is CloudForms, which provides a policy and governance structure, so that enterprises can move to the cloud safely and securely, and run and manage applications across physical and virtual servers, and in many types of public clouds.

    FORBES: Red Hat's Formula for an Open Cloud

  • Firms wasting capital and resources need to expire so that other enterprises still generating wealth might flourish.

    FORBES: Why The Recession Recovery Remains Anemic

  • Based in Tokyo, Japan, OPTiM, provides solutions that reduce support costs for enterprises and is focused on evolving online experiences so that the Internet becomes something that you aren't even conscious of-like the air you breathe.

    ENGADGET: OPTiM outs wireless smartphone-to-smartphone screen sharing and remote control app for Android

  • Foreign bankers, especially European and Japanese, were looking for new markets as their own stagnated, and they loaned huge sums to Indonesian enterprises via offshore entities so that actual foreign debt far exceeded the official numbers.

    WSJ: Philip Bowring: China Needs a 1997-Style Crisis

  • It would require buffer zones around the streams while requesting mining enterprises to move in phases so that they can better monitor their environmental footprints.

    FORBES: Coal Country Losing Luster

  • Yet many of the partners, often government-owned enterprises, are so short of cash that they take money out of the joint venture, even if this means cutting back on investment.

    ECONOMIST: Matsushita��s Chinese burn

  • So it should come as no surprise that gargantuan state enterprises are taking advantage of this regressive trend to obtain for themselves the lucrative opportunities that have been created by smaller companies.

    FORBES: Is Sino-Forest a Sino-Fraud?

  • To date, however, the banking system has shortchanged depositors so that it can provide inexpensive credit to state-owned enterprises.

    FORBES: Did China Just Change Its Growth Model?

  • And the agency says there are mafia strongholds where the local business environment is so polluted by the presence of gangster-run enterprises that it is almost impossible for honestly managed firms to operate.

    BBC: Italy tackles mafia-owned businesses

  • Just as farmers with privately owned real property grow ever more food so they can share it with others, not to hoard it, so private enterprises in the virtual world share the innovations that allow people to share information.

    WSJ: Matt Ridley on Web Profits, Web Sharing and the Facebook IPO | Mind & Matter

  • The state banking system, for instance, keeps deposit rates low so that it can provide cheap credit to over-leveraged state enterprises and cash-strapped local governments.

    FORBES: East Asian Economies Slump

  • The second issue is that if we continue to act in a socially uninformed and uninspired manner, some of our new social enterprises may suffer the same fate that took down so many e-businesses at the beginning of this century.

    FORBES: The Top 10 Ways to Become Truly Social

  • While we believe that cloud services have high potential - we forecast that revenue will treble over a five-year period - we do not believe that enterprises will retire vast quantities of legacy solutions just so they can 'go cloud'.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • We recommended as a first step earlier this year that enterprises publish formal cloud policies and less than 20% have done so.

    FORBES: 2012 Cloud Predictions -- Winners & Losers

  • It seems likely, at the very least, that he will announce that the 100, 000 or so smallest of China's state-owned enterprises will be cast loose on the market and, though the word will not be used, privatised.

    ECONOMIST: China��s new revolutionary?

  • Almost ridiculously so, and sadly universities and the commercial enterprises affiliated with higher education seem unconcerned with changing that reality.

    CNN: Your e-mails: Students paying off the past

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