• Certainly, it resembles the fiscal policies that have so often got Venezuela into trouble in the past: spend like crazy when the oil price is high, and slam on the brakes when it plummets.

    ECONOMIST: Venezuela on a gusher | The

  • In child psychiatry in particular, it is often said that children must not have read the DSM, because their symptoms so rarely seem to fit neatly into one of the diagnoses, often straddling several.

    CNN: Doctor: Why we're making changes to autism diagnosis

  • He was humble and so focused on others he often blended into the crowd.

    FORBES: Who Will Be Crying At Your Funeral?

  • They are ODMs, Original Design Manufacturers which means they design the whole package for Western giants and often put their IP into the hardware so as to avoid copycats.

    FORBES: Apple Apologizes To Chinese Consumers For Seeming 'Arrogant,' Promises Warranty Changes

  • As is so often the case, the real wizard here is Buffett, who got into the game in the early 1960s, buying up a company, Berkshire Hathaway, that pays no dividends.

    CNN: Zuck never has to pay taxes again

  • The idea, repeated so often, that the euro zone needs to either break up into multiple currencies or form some sort of superstate has no basis in reality.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Aggression is building up with numerous secessionist bands demanding their (mostly unspecified) rights and, every so often, intimidating the non-tribals into moving out.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | A Royal Tribe Under Threat

  • People who put their money into hedge funds often do so because of the personalities behind them.

    NPR: Hedge Fund Maven Madoff Falls Hard

  • He stays in hotels in India and Bangladesh, where the power often goes out, so he goes back and confirms that Nokia should put a flashlight into the new Nokia 1100.

    FORBES: The Next Billion

  • The United Nations High Commission on Refugees does not have exact statistics on refugees in Syria because they fluctuate so often with people coming into Syria and leaving without notifying the authorities.

    CNN: Son's autism tests Iraq refugee's resolve

  • Meanwhile, both sides are waiting to see which flavour of greenery goes down best with the public inquiry into the project (whose conclusions the government may well ignore as is so often the way with these things).

    ECONOMIST: Wind farms

  • October tends to be the most volatile (for instance has seen the most crashes and mini-crashes), but also most often sees the upside reversal into the next favorable season (by which time investors are so disgusted with the decline that they want nothing to do with the market).

    FORBES: Seasonality Says Beware The Fall Bear

  • It is a rare glimpse into the families of two founders and how the start up culture of Silicon Valley is often so close, so personal, and in this particular case, spectacularly nasty.

    FORBES: A Mess Of Family Dynamics Alleged In Lawsuit Against Silicon Valley Entrepreneur And Color Founder Bill Nguyen

  • It is a horrific statistic that hints at - among many factors - the widening wealth gap in a country where the poor are so often obliged to squeeze into speeding and over-crowded minibuses for long commutes.

    BBC: From the Wild Coast to New Year advice

  • The empowered American left--in sharp contrast to the tradition that runs from Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman all the way to Bill Clinton--often envisions the U.S. as a country headed into the dustbin of history, and deservedly so.

    FORBES: It will take more than a recession to keep the country down.

  • There are 12 full athletic scholarships for a Division 1 women's lacrosse program, which are often split into partial scholarships among the 25 or so players.

    WSJ: Competing for Scholarships on the Field and Online

  • However, as has so often been the case with recent Irish sides, we came back into the game through excellent bowling and fielding (an area where we want to be among the best three sides in the competition).

    BBC: Cricket World Cup: Andrew White column

  • Passionate collectors and investors often have very different motivations for buying, so can they really be shoehorned into the same category?

    FORBES: Passion Investments or Irrational Investments?

  • Many great business writers have taken on the daunting questions and challenges that so often turn philanthropic and entrepreneurial endeavors into misguidance and waste.

    FORBES: Forces for Good: All Good is Not Created Equal

  • This is so, not least, because the latter often make a concerted effort to convert political appointees into career civil servants who then "burrow" into the permanent bureaucracy.


  • Banks are reluctant to lend money to start-ups unless they are already making a profit, so if you want to expand your business, getting into bed with a multinational is often the only game in town.

    BBC: Tesco effect: How big firms quietly own little brands

  • One reason why the communist movement is so weak is that it is split into several, often hostile, factions.

    ECONOMIST: The Philippines

  • Normally this blog only focuses on the intersection of soccer and statistics, but every so often events in other sports compel a break from the purely analytical world of soccer and a diversion into commentary instead.

    FORBES: NCAA's Use Of Macklemore's Music Is The Height of Irony

  • Carbo Ceramics is a leader in making what's called ceramic proppant, which is the synthetic material, sand-based often, with chemicals that are injected into the fractured rock to hold open the cavities so the natural gas goes up into the piping that captures it.

    FORBES: Intelligent Investing

  • Why, Turkish Cypriots often ask, were outside powers so loth to speak up when they were being bullied into ethnic enclaves by the Greek-Cypriot majority in the 1960s?

    ECONOMIST: Cyprus

  • While private foundations often funnel money into disease research, the ability of a community of people to come together so quickly and deliver funding directly to an early stage researcher is a newer phenomenon.

    CNN: A child's struggle inspires drive for cure

  • So often in their Blue Square North fixtures Redditch are the underdogs, so it will be an unusual experience going into Saturday's Valley Stadium clash (1500 BST) as clear favourites against the Midland Alliance high fliers.

    BBC: No old pals act for Redditch boss

  • Mark Spitz and Olga Korbut grabbed the headlines while the atmosphere around the Olympic village was so relaxed that off-duty athletes, returning from late nights in Bavarian beer halls, could often be found climbing into the complex over the low chain-link fence.

    CNN: Olympic memories: Munich

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