• Anonymous centres for treatment or advice, useful in cities, will not stay anonymous for very long in small towns or villages.

    ECONOMIST: Rural daze

  • It is mainly because the costs of rapid abatement are very high, and the damage from warming, great or small, will be long delayed which means there will be time to phase in cleaner technologies gradually, so that capital is not scrapped prematurely.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

  • The easiest method to take advantage of this effect is to go long a small- or microcap ETF such as iShares Russell Microcap ( IWC) or PowerShares Zacks Micro Cap ( PZI) or mutual fund Bridgway UltraSmall Company. ( BRSIX).

    FORBES: Get Ready For A Turbo Charged January Effect

  • You either need a very long time horizon to buy a small amount or be an active trader that tests levels and takes trades quickly based on the headlines and price action.

    FORBES: Risk Too Great For Smoke-And-Mirrors Rally

  • Of course, that's no solace to those who've lost their jobs, or to the small business owners whose hearts break at letting long-time employees go.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on New Training for New Job Creation

  • And given that many stocks trade near valuation lows last seen three decades ago, your chance of permanent or long-term loss would seem to be small.

    FORBES: Schizophrenic Bond Vigilantes and Other Market Tales

  • No one can say for certain that there will be a portfolio benefit from small-cap value investing in the near future or even in the long-term.

    FORBES: Beat the Market with Small-Cap Value Stocks

  • Amid busy days at the office and long trips for conferences and networking, being an entrepreneur or small business leader can be time-consuming and hectic.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • The weakness of enterprises of this size in Britain is largely because the four or so dominant banks do not possess regional knowledge or the interest to engage in long-term financing projects of small businesses.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • By matching the names or addresses of its customers with their SIC (business-category) codes, it discovered that a major portion were not contractors or homeowners--as it had long believed--but small businesses such as pizzerias, hair salons and bars, which either bought their maintenance supplies from Lowe's or wanted to refurbish their facilities themselves.

    FORBES: The Resurrection of NCR

  • Schemes to back small businesses, set up an infrastructure bank or offer assistance for firms that hire the long-term unemployed are all marooned.

    ECONOMIST: America��s fragile recovery

  • In a telephone interview Friday, Soltani said that the relatively small number of users affected suggested either that attackers weren't on the network long or that they were only able to compromise a subset of the company's servers.

    NPR: Twitter Says Hackers Compromise 250K Accounts

  • Senior officers acknowledge that they are under pressure to get results but warn that if the bombing has been perpetrated by a very small group or, worse, a single individual it could take a long time before the culprit or culprits are caught.

    ECONOMIST: Crime

  • Because once a client signs up for a hosted CRM or accounting application and begins paying their monthly fees, I get a small piece of that long term revenue stream.

    FORBES: Amazon's New Kindle: It's Just Old School

  • Anything based on a discipline (value, growth) or a sector (tech, financial) or a cap size (large, small) is going to underperform its benchmark over the long-term, mean revert versus its peers and cost you more than you need to spend in internal expenses.

    FORBES: Don't Blow Up: 20 Rules for Individual Investors

  • But what about long trips on small planes say, a trip across the States on a 737 or an Airbus A300?

    ENGADGET: Alaska Air's portable video player

  • Now and then she would raise herself into a sitting position and then spend a long time with her knees drawn up while she painted her nails or, with a small hand mirror, scrutinized herself for blemishes or unwanted hair.

    NEWYORKER: While the Women Are Sleeping

  • What started out simple a few olives, anchovies or mussels eventually encompassed anything at all, as long as it was served on a small plate.

    NPR: New Year Is Time for Tapas

  • Human marines will want to avoid being bottled up in a small hallway or shaft, while Aliens will definitely want to steer clear of large warehouses, where their lack of long-range weapons makes them the most vulnerable.

    CNN: Preview: Aliens vs. Predator

  • By 1960, or not very long afterwards, the Ministry for Overseas (or Associated?) Territories could be a fairly small office, dealing with the remaining colonies and those smaller ex-colonies that, for reasons of defence and economy, wanted Britain to continue to represent them abroad.

    ECONOMIST: From the archive

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