• Moreover, with Beijing having placed a moratorium on IPOs on exchanges in the cities of Shanghai and Shenzhen, and stock-trading volumes having been sluggish since the market crash, securities firms are keen to find new sources of revenue.

    WSJ: Chinese Trusts Draw Big Inflows

  • If the economy is sluggish in March, I'd expect weakness in the stock market.

    FORBES: The day Auburn Motors crashed

  • Such would arguably be commodity-market bullish and possibly stock market bullish, despite the specter of reduced demand prospects due to the sluggish economy.

    FORBES: By Jim Wyckoff Of Kitco News

  • Consumer spending remains sluggish due to continued concerns over the outlook for job growth, recent declines in the stock market, the sovereign debt problems of European countries and the Gulf oil spill.

    FORBES: Double-Dip Yes, But Bullish Just The Same

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