• After all, there is more to the education experience than simply sitting together in math class.

    FORBES: Georgia Governor Refuses To Condemn Continuing Segregation In His State

  • We were mortal souls sitting together in that light that keeps us here.

    CNN: Singing songs to connect America and China

  • Sitting together in a small red-tiled shack, one says her 25-year-old son has disappeared, like hundreds of Tamil youths in the past three years.

    ECONOMIST: Sri Lanka's internally displaced

  • Thompson was among five dorm evacuees sitting together on a campus bench, some of them bundled up in a blanket, others still dressed in their pajamas.


  • We have the power to change that and I think the power is sitting together and coming up with a plan that works for both sides.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • It is good advice to listen closely unless she has also been given this advice, in which case an uneasy silence could develop, like two owls sitting together.

    NPR: What Every Boy Needs to Know

  • Everyone but the Queen Mother has to stand up when the Queen enters a room - even her nearest and dearest, should they ever be sitting together watching Eastenders or playing Scrabble.

    BBC: By BBC News Online's Liz Doig

  • The interior ministry, under another Qassam man, has made the strip's new crop of hoteliers and restaurateurs sign declarations promising to stop unmarried men and women sitting together or listening to pop music.

    ECONOMIST: Hamas and the peace talks

  • This combined art and social practice is still the primary occupation of women in the village who create distinctive tablecloths, napkins and show pieces while sitting together and talking in the narrow streets or on covered patios.

    UNESCO: Lefkara Laces or Lefkaritika

  • Besides, Democrats and Republicans will be sitting together.

    FORBES: The 10,000 Commandments

  • Inside, the whole family was sitting together.

    NEWYORKER: Among Animals and Plants

  • Despite a few cutaways of the pair sitting together in the audience and Brown standing and clapping following her performance, seeing the two together was not as big a deal as the run up felt like it should be.

    CNN: Grammys' top 5 moments

  • And I think anytime when you're talking about something as reflective and as sober as the state of our union, to do that in an atmosphere where Democrats and Republicans are not divided by a central aisle, but sitting together, I think that's a good step.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Suddenly, the houselights went up: Oz and the woman were sitting onstage together.

    NEWYORKER: The Operator

  • Yet, rather than sitting down together and hammering out a workable solution, leaders from both parties continue to engage in ideological demagoguery.

    FORBES: Our Leaders Need to Start Acting Like Leaders!

  • Two months later, Mr Kabila and the rebels are supposed to have integrated their forces into a new Congolese army and be sitting down together to discuss a new democratic system for Congo.

    ECONOMIST: Congo

  • As the New York Times chronicles here, a team of ETS auditors also showed up unannounced and found several breaches of protocol, including students sitting closer together than the minimum of four feet during the exam.

    FORBES: The College Board Rescinds 200 SAT Test Scores But Can't Write In English

  • Given the slogan's resounding vacuity, it might seem like piling on to point out that it's ungrammatical in the bargain, with the together sitting uncomfortably with the singular America.

    NPR: 'Talking Right': Why the Left Is Losing, Linguistically

  • "If a small group of people is trying to use the tablet together, sitting on the couch and consuming content, this size makes sense, " Nielsen told Wired.


  • It's like going to your best friend's house and putting on just the newest record and sitting there and enjoying it together.

    NPR: Ala. Juke Joint Shuttered After More Than 50 Years

  • He, Mr Beghal and a French convert to Islam, Jerome Courtailler, had spent time together there, sitting at the feet of some of London's more extreme Islamist preachers.

    ECONOMIST: The al-Qaeda network

  • Yet both men have changed the course of their fields by gathering together tools that were sitting in plain sight.

    NEWYORKER: Pretty Simple

  • He planned to walk through the Memorial Park, past the bench where Nava might still be sitting, so that they could go home together.

    NEWYORKER: Waiting

  • How can this be worse than sleeping on top of her parents' graves, saying Kaddish so many times the words ran together like nonsense, worse than sitting for days by the Pripiat River, watching for a little sock or Sophie's blue petticoat, sitting in the mud in only a nightgown and blanket, until the weather changed and Mariam came with the flier for America?

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Away'

  • It can benefit American children who attend school with our kids, American men who share pews at our churches, and American women sitting beside us in office cubicles, by keeping their families together.

    CNN: Do we want an America that wrecks families?

  • But the deepened loyalty and satisfaction we get from running a real business together mostly from a home office, sitting within feet of each other is tempered by the ever-present possibility of abject failure.

    FORBES: 5 Questions To Ask Before Starting A Business With Your Spouse

  • For the past two years, Girvan and four friends all professionals in their 30s have been getting together every Thursday to play D and D sitting around a table with inch-high plastic figures, rolling odd dice and saying things in the odd, imagined voices of their characters.

    NPR: D&D Turns 30

  • He obviously looks forward to sitting down with the Prime Minister tonight -- and continue to work together to address issues like Middle East peace and the threat that's posed by Iran.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • They are lovingly put together, but feature a ghastly trio of (male) biographers sitting around chatting in The Ivy, Coward's favourite London restaurant, over what looks like a rather good lunch, when the subject cries out for one scholarly narrator with an overarching view and a rapidity of mind to rival Coward's own.

    ECONOMIST: Travelling through life first class

  • Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar's opposition leader, together with two drivers and a 74-year-old party colleague, spent six days sitting in a saloon car on a bridge some 65 kilometres (40 miles) outside the capital, Yangon.

    ECONOMIST: Aung San at the bridge

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