• This is similar to humans having two ears rather than just one to better determine the source of sound.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "Lucy", "The Black Skull, " "Twiggy" and "The Taung Child" respectively prove there were walking beings similar to humans in Africa before us Homo sapiens emerged.

    CNN: African roots of the human family tree

  • The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals posited the theory that animals express emotion in a similar way to humans.

    BBC: Friday 11 September: Darwin special

  • Having similar DNA to humans, gorillas are highly susceptible to illness, and even catching a common cold could wipe out an entire group.

    BBC: Gorillas in the mix in Uganda

  • They believe that the primates, which live in very large social groups, are using the verbal exchanges to bond with each other, in a similar way to how humans might use small talk.

    BBC: Primate call gives clues to human speech origins

  • They found animals with tumours were less motivated to try to escape when submitted to a swimming test - a condition similar to depression in humans.

    BBC: Tumour make-up 'fuels depression'

  • "This strongly suggests they get similar feelings of satisfaction to humans who often complete brain-games for a feel-good reward, " she said.

    BBC: Chimpanzee at Whipsnade Zoo

  • Symptoms are similar to those felt by humans: a persistent cough, thick nasal discharge and in severe cases, fever and respiratory distress.

    WSJ: A New Breed of Flu Shot to Avoid Getting Sick as a Dog

  • As it turns out, the progression of melanoma in mice is very similar to the progression in humans, making this animal study more relevant for potential human applications than most.

    FORBES: Can Viagra Cure Skin Cancer?

  • Phthalates are known to interfere with the production of male reproductive hormones in animals and likely to have similar effects in humans.

    FORBES: Connect

  • The spacecraft was similar to one that would carry humans, and scientists were interested in measuring galactic cosmic rays and solar energetic particles on the trip.


  • Scientists say symptoms of swine flu in humans appear to be similar to those produced by standard, seasonal flu - fever, cough, sore throat, body aches and chills.

    BBC: India swine flu outbreak 'kills 94'

  • Researchers are now considering whether to push ahead towards clinical trials to find if the substance has a similar effect in humans.

    BBC: Child with Down's syndrome

  • Professor Jim Horne, director of the Loughborough Sleep Research Centre, said it would be wrong to assume rats and humans would react in similar ways.

    BBC: Spatial memory works in a similar way in rats and humans

  • But biological responses to food in rats and humans are surprisingly similar, and provide at least a strong indication that the same sorts of reactions happen when we eat fake fat and sugar.

    FORBES: Why Eating Fake Fat Can Make You Real Fat

  • This will be an update of a first-person shooter game with a plot that revolves around battling mutant humans attacking from outer space - very similar to the aliens in the Halo series.

    BBC: Halo 3 character

  • The impressions left inside some of them look similar in pattern to those made by the part of the brain which modern humans use to generate speech.

    ECONOMIST: What is music for?

  • Just as important, the different humans who knew a particular animal agreed about its personality to a degree similar to that found when several people describe a human friend they have in common.

    ECONOMIST: Animal behaviour

  • Last year similar work was done in mice, and we were waiting with bated breath to see if it would also work in humans.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | 'This is a very exciting advance'

  • While no definitive link between prion diseases in animals and CJD in humans has been established, the mechanism and progression of the diseases are so similar that most scientists are convinced that infection with BSE prion may under certain circumstances lead to the development of vCJD in humans.

    BBC: vCJD and BSE - the link

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