• We were promised a set of speeches mapping out the Chancellor's personal political philosophy.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: George Osborne speech

  • But after coming up against opposition from coalition MPs, he has promised to set out a "revised approach".

    BBC: Defeat possible on home extension plan, warns MP

  • The Electoral Commission promised to set out new rules for ballot paper design, including how parties describe themselves.


  • The South African government promised to set up a commission of inquiry into the collapse of the rand .

    ECONOMIST: Politics this week | The

  • Mr Fox promised to set up a truth commission to investigate the abuses of the old regime, but has not done so.

    ECONOMIST: Human rights in Mexico

  • The organisers promised to set up a political action committee to recruit and support candidates who would champion fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, smaller government and national security.

    ECONOMIST: The tea-party convention

  • The government has promised to set up a social mobility and child poverty commission, and also recently announced plans for an annual "snapshot" of social mobility by measuring information such as educational achievement, access to professions and birth weights.

    BBC: UK Politics

  • In a measure that goes further than the voluntary terms agreed with the US Federal Trade Commission, Google has also promised to set up a tool for sites to remove up to 10 per cent of a site's content from vertical search.

    CNN: Google in peace deal with Brussels

  • The Korean firm promised audits to set the record straight, and we're seeing the first fruits of those inspections today.

    ENGADGET: Samsung finishes initial Chinese factory audits, plans long-term solutions to labor woes

  • The imminent test of the general's resolve comes in mid-December when he has promised a new set of economic reforms.

    ECONOMIST: Pakistan

  • He did so after Kenyan politicians failed to set up a tribunal as promised to try those accused of instigating the violence.

    BBC: Kenya asks UN to halt ICC charges against Kenyatta

  • Capriles had vowed not to end the social programs that Chavez had set up, and he had promised to fight corruption that had grown in the public sector.


  • Town hall-style debates tend to involve less tough questioning and more pandering than other formats, and the restrictive ground rules set in place for this one promised to make it even more stultifying than usual.

    FORBES: The Real Winners Of The Second Debate: Candy Crowley, CNN And Voters

  • Former Tory chairman Lord Tebbit also called for a date to be set for the referendum David Cameron has promised if the party wins the next election.

    BBC: UKIP is here to stay, says Nigel Farage

  • Put our plan to many Europeans creditor Germans, debtor Greeks or Eurosceptic Britons and they may moan that this is not what they were promised when the euro was set up.

    ECONOMIST: Europe's currency crisis

  • The environment has moved to the top of their political agenda, and they have promised increased environmental investment, set impressive targets for reducing pollution and launched grand-scale campaigns to address particularly challenging problems of environmental degradation.

    CNN: Economic miracle, environmental disaster

  • They are to disarm once the government enacts the political reforms it first promised last year which are now set for the end of September.

    ECONOMIST: Rapid reaction

  • Tevez rounded off the scoring with a fine strike late on, his eighth goal in the last seven games for his side who move up to a challenging sixth and set for a run at Champions League qualification promised by Mancini when he took charge in place of the sacked Mark Hughes.

    CNN: Drogba inspires Chelsea derby win

  • Foreign donors have promised aid and private foreign investment looks set to rise gradually.

    ECONOMIST: Tajikistan

  • King Abdullah promised to continue the work that his father set out to do.

    CNN: Clinton invites Arafat to Washington

  • The government has promised to publish a National Infrastructure Plan to set out the long-term investment needs and priorities for the UK by the end of this year.

    BBC: New plans for growth?

  • When demos at CES held nearly 12 months ago promised a svelte, online-enabled feature set not available on regular DVD to take the high definition formats to the next level, we were admittedly excited -- unfortunately, we're still waiting to see what the fuss is all about, and it looks like we'll be waiting even longer now.

    ENGADGET: Blu-ray / HD DVD "Live" internet functionality still on hiatus

  • Fans rejoiced when finally, finally, the promised reunion was announced and a new season was set for production.

    FORBES: How Netflix And The Bluth Family Just Changed The TV Game

  • In her first speech as Prime Minister, Julia Gillard promised that her government would reward those who "set their alarms early".

    BBC: Julia Gillard: Still finding her feet

  • John Kerry warned Friday that "the rights of women are under assault in this country" and promised that as president he will reverse the course set by the Bush administration -- including abortion policy.

    CNN: Kerry affirms support for?abortion rights

  • The message they proclaimed was one of destiny made manifest: when Bose set out with his men from Singapore in 1943, he had promised he would lead them to Delhi.


  • Still, Mr Cameron has promised that 2007 will be the year in which he will set out concrete, coherent and modern polices to answer all his critics.

    BBC: Analysis

  • The car companies briefly threatened to set up a rival motor-racing competition, but relented after Kirch promised to keep the races on free television, and not shift them to its pay channels.

    ECONOMIST: EM.TV��s EMP.TY coffers

  • There's yet another catch for Gemstar: TV Guide Interactive was built for a high-speed set-top box, Motorola's DCT 5000, which was promised months ago but held back because of high costs and software integration glitches.

    FORBES: Screen Grab

  • He also claims all such proliferation activities ended in the 1990s, conveniently before General Musharraf set up a National Command Authority over the nuclear programme in 2002 and promised that all proliferation concerns had now been addressed.

    ECONOMIST: Pakistan’s proliferator-in-chief | The

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