• The minister stressed that the plan demonstrates the Welsh Government's "continued commitment to supporting the economic recovery in Wales, protecting and improving frontline services and protecting the vulnerable in society".

    BBC: Finance statement

  • The mother tongue approach to non-formal education in the delivery of literacy services is highly innovative and pioneering in a multi-lingual pluralistic society such as Nepal.


  • But some sociologists, such as Millsom Henry-Waring of the University of Melbourne, have given warning that electronic forms of communication in general and digital-dating services in particular are gradually changing society's conception of relationships and marriage for the worse by encouraging people to view partners as commodities that can simply be traded in for better versions at the click of a computer mouse.

    ECONOMIST: Online dating

  • "I think it's a reflection of what's happening in society in terms of pressure on services that we're having to resort to this and that the police are having to deal with young people in this way, " she added.

    BBC: Children held in police cells under Mental Health Act

  • Broadband is not a gap, but a bridge between developed and developing countries, providing access to all of the services of modern society for the well-being of the population in general.

    UNESCO: Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Responses

  • He was awarded the OBE in 1993 for services to broadcasting and was voted into the Royal Television Society's hall of fame for outstanding service to the medium.

    BBC: Aspel closes big red book

  • In the early days of the settlement, church services for the many different denominations were held in the Vereins Kirche (or society church), a two-story, octangular-structure built in the central part of Main Street.

    BBC: A German enclave in central Texas

  • They said that there will be a significant change in biodiversity when society as a whole understands its value and the services it provides.

    BBC: Sustainability committee

  • Nick Ramsay AM also insisted that the Conservatives' plan for the "Big Society" would improve public services across Wales by putting more power in people's hands.

    BBC: Debate on public service reform

  • The government's Equalities Bill, currently in its final Parliamentary stages, is designed to change the way public services work by ordering them to take into account the needs of all groups in society.

    BBC: Ethnic minorities 'no longer always disadvantaged'

  • In today's financially squeezed times, it is more important than ever to support charities, which do such vital work across such a broad spectrum for medical services to education, arts, and helping some of the most vulnerable people in society.

    BBC: How to donate to charity amid the tax relief furore

  • Public Health Minister Shona Robinson said the government had no powers to tell independent voluntary organisations what to do with their services but she would ensure that the society had the views of the parliament in writing ahead of their annual general meeting at the weekend.

    BBC: Member's debate on Leuchie House

  • Not all who apply are accepted, and to ensure the effectiveness of the military in the purpose for which it exists, you give the Services authority to reject applicants for reasons that are unacceptable or less restrictive in ordinary society - age, physical or mental challenges, education, drug use or abuse, excessive weight, and a number of other reasons.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Message from a Marine: Don��t Break the Military

  • Chapeu Mangueira was one of those slums where people lived in shacks, survived on pennies a day, lacked access to basic services and, in general, lived in extreme poverty and marginalized from the rest of society.

    CNN: Making the poor count -- a Hugo Chavez legacy

  • There are innovators from across the region who are trying to tackle the taboos, break the silence and deal with the fall out, be it getting sexuality education in schools or providing sexual and reproductive health services for young people, or tackling sexual violence, or trying to find space in society for those cross social norms, unwed mothers or men and women in same-sex relations among them.

    CNN: Why Arab world must learn to talk about sex

  • Analysts are making the point that even as Japan is losing some if its competitive edge in manufacturing, what its now relatively rich and aging society is demanding is services like health care.

    FORBES: Whither Japan Stocks: Goldman's Positive View for 2012

  • This lobby's most powerful point is that the pinch on giving seems to contradict the government's own policies, not least David Cameron's vision of a Big Society, in which voluntary outfits play a bigger role in providing public services.

    ECONOMIST: Why the dispute over tax and charity is so politically toxic

  • First Cash Financial Services (FCFS) is in a line of business that preys on the weakest people in our society.

    FORBES: First Cash Financial Services Has Standards, Fires Outed Reddit Troll

  • The American Society for Reproductive Medicine acknowledged in a 2004 report that fertility programs may withhold services when they can provide "well-substantiated judgments" that the child will not receive adequate care.

    CNN: Commentary: Are eight babies more than enough?

  • In 2009, the Britannia Building Society announced it would merge with Co-operative Financial Services.

    BBC: The Co-operative Banking Group to cut 187 jobs

  • In a free society, which implies a free market, businesses survive only by providing services of greater value than the resources they use in production.

    FORBES: Does the Government Know What It Is Doing When It Tries to Create Jobs?

  • Deeper shifts will also be necessary: a strengthening of consumer society in China, for example, and a reallocation of resources towards tradable goods and services in Britain and America.

    ECONOMIST: Debt reduction

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