• In coming weeks, the House is committed to major legislation reforming our border security and immigration laws, alleviating the rising costs of gasoline and heating fuel before the winter, and saving tens of billions of dollars through reforming federal entitlement programs.

    NPR: Text of DeLay Press Statement

  • That's how we've made possible scientific research that has led to medical breakthroughs like the vaccine for Hepatitis B, and technological wonders like GPS. That's how we have Social Security and a minimum wage, and laws to protect the food we eat and the water we drink and the air that we breathe.

    WHITEHOUSE: Moving Forward on a New Foundation

  • Card proponents argue that like any technology, smart cards can be used for good or ill, and society could pass laws enhancing security and preventing abuse.

    CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek

  • And while this is all happening in a country where the laws regarding security and personal accountability may be different than in the United States, the resulting conclusion could still have reaching ramifications world wide when it comes to putting barriers between fans and performers, and who is responsible when those barriers break down.

    FORBES: Lamb of God Frontman Indicted on Manslaughter Charges: What's at Stake?

  • The 1935 Social Security Act and minimum wage laws excluded domestic workers and agriculture workers, a compromise to get Southern legislators to vote in favor of both bills, because 60% of both industries were African-Americans.

    CNN: How threat to Planned Parenthood hurts black mothers

  • Since Pano got started in 2008, it has benefited from corporate regulation that protects data security and privacy, such as HIPAA and patient privacy laws.

    FORBES: Pano Logic's Dagger Aimed At Microsoft's, Intel's Waste

  • That legislation would have increased funding and improved border security technology, improved enforcement of existing laws, and provided a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants.

    CNN: Poll: 'Sharp reversal' for Obama with Latino voters

  • Obama supported President Bush-backed immigration legislation, which would have increased funding and improved border security technology, improved enforcement of existing laws, and provided a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants.

    CNN: Poll: 'Sharp reversal' for Obama with Latino voters

  • That is what I want to talk about this evening: how we have strengthened, and continue to strengthen, our national security by adhering to our values and our laws.

    CNN: On drone killings, Brennan doesn't uphold our values

  • In order to change the cyber mindset in Israel, information-security experts say that Israel's government needs to update laws and regulation governing information security to give companies more of an incentive to boost investment in cyber security.

    WSJ: Israel's Businesses Losing the Cyber War

  • If tracking services are not used carefully and within the bounds of privacy laws, legitimate owners and security professionals can get into legal gray areas, the repercussions of which could be far more expensive than a replacement iPhone.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Vendors have started to provide customers with assurances that they are in compliance with security standards and patient-privacy laws, he says, and the advantages of cloud storage are likely to be increasingly persuasive, especially on the cost side.

    WSJ: Hospitals Struggle to Store Images From MRIs, CT Scans and More

  • He used the phrase "common ground" repeatedly, speaking of potential agreement on a higher minimum wage (if paired with tax cuts for small businesses) and seeing prospects for sweeping change in immigration laws and the management of Social Security.

    NPR: Bush Takes Different Tack on Iraq, Troop Levels

  • The government has used the emergency laws and other security legislation to round up red-shirt activists.

    ECONOMIST: Thailand's red-shirt opposition

  • Yet federal tax, Social Security, Medicare, pension and antidiscriminiation laws "discourage work at older ages and discourage employers from hiring older workers, " says Richard W. Johnson of Urban Institute.


  • "Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history, " Eisenhower wrote his brother.

    CNN: Commentary: Sotomayor puts GOP at crossroads

  • Since Washington has shown itself generally unwilling or unable either to enforce existing immigration statutes nor enact more effective laws and border security measures, it is in the U.S. interest to create more incentives for Central Americans to stay in their native lands.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The national security case for CAFTA

  • "At the end of the day, most Egyptians want to see progress, whether it's a parliament that functions and passes their laws and promotes the new policies that fix the economy or bring security, or whether it's a president that can bring these things, " Elgindy said.

    CNN: Row over Egypt's new constitution reflects wider tensions

  • Other proposals unveiled include protection for the police and other security organisations from being caught by laws against downloading pornographic images.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Web 'grooming' sentences upped

  • And he asked his national security team to make sure that we designed and make sure that, within the laws, we had all the tools that we needed in order to keep this country safe and to prevent another attack.

    NPR: White House Reacts to Interrogation Claims

  • Since 2007 the Center has been a leader in researching the anti-constitutional and national security threats posed by those who would bring a parallel system of shariah laws to American courts, policymakers media and civil society.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Shariah Threats to American Law | Page: 7

  • It was no good to provide them with security, insist that they obey the laws, and let it go at that.

    FORBES: When Sovereign Default Is The Most Attractive Option

  • Ms. REIFF: Absolutely, and we have actually talked with Department of Homeland Security and White House about this and the Business Coalition actually has absolutely no problem with enforcing the immigration laws against these egregious bad actors.

    NPR: Rumors of Immigrant Round-Up Abound

  • Zimbabwe had failed to reform key laws, like the public order, security and information acts, it said.

    BBC: Zimbabwe: Mugabe and Tsvangirai in 'constitution deal'

  • Giffords' visit came one day after Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy set a two-month deadline for a special commission to address the state's gun laws, mental health policies and public security issues.

    CNN: Gabrielle Giffords visits Newtown

  • But the wrong cyber-laws can mean government locking in inferior security technologies and procedures.

    FORBES: Cybersecurity Theater vs. The Real Thing

  • Reform that continues to improve our border security, and lives up to our heritage as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Department of Homeland Security Immigration Announcement | The White House

  • Instead, he called for better enforcement of all existing gun laws and creating "an immediate blanket of security around our children" by putting armed guards at all the nation's schools.

    CNN: February 1, 2013 -- Updated 0041 GMT (0841 HKT)

  • It strains credulity that the U.S. would knowingly wish to hold the stock of a company whose corporate interests may lead it and its government to pursue an agenda antithetical to Western security interests and at odds with U.S. policies and laws for crass commercial reasons.


  • Any claims or allegations that we have violated laws and regulations relating to privacy and data security could result in negative publicity and a loss of confidence in us by our listeners and our advertisers, and may subject us to fines by credit card companies and loss of our ability to accept credit and debit card payments.

    FORBES: Smartphone Apps Get Pulled Into a Criminal Investigation

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