• High speed proton collisions generate a range of even smaller particles that scientists have been sifting through in search of a signal in the data suggesting the existence of the Higgs boson.


  • The simplest approach may be through the technology offered by Splunk, which has its own search language that allows you to search through big data, identify useful query types, and express your developing understanding of the structure of the data as you search.

    FORBES: Big Data Requires a Big, New Architecture

  • The future of search, and all of the personalization that can be served up by that search data, is bound up in how much and what kinds of data can be associated with each of our different accounts.

    FORBES: Watch Out Facebook, With Google+ at #2 and YouTube at #3, Google, Inc. Could Catch Up

  • In August of last year, AOL gave the U.S. Department of Justice access to the search records of 650, 000 of its users, the data from a total of 20 million searches.

    FORBES: More Evil Than Google?

  • Graph Search delves the wealth of data already inside Facebook, pulled from 1 billion profiles, 24 billion photos and 1 trillion connections.

    CNN: Facebook introduces 'Graph Search'

  • Put simply, while Google had real estate on every iPhone it had a muted incentive to up the game especially when it was getting all of the search and activity data and it had its own competing Android platform.

    FORBES: An Economist Explains About Apple's and Google's Maps

  • So far, that app is making intelligent use of the shared functions of the social and search giants, and the value of a fast (and, in alien data environments, fairly cheap) map not at the mercy of spotty local internet services should not be underestimated.

    FORBES: Vacation-Based Services: Norway's Stay.com Takes On The Travel Giants

  • Kurt Opsahl of the Electronic Frontier Foundation argues that it is: Because of the company's unprecedented dominance of the search industry and its massive data collection, he says that a little evil from Google goes a long way.

    FORBES: More Evil Than Google?

  • One of the easiest ways you can back yourself into that sort of keyword data is to enter in a search term on LinkedIn and review the profiles of the people that rank for that search term.

    FORBES: What Are Some Lesser-Known Hacks For LinkedIn?

  • In fact, there are many new, different structures entering the market, which determine the structure of the data at the time of search, not at the time of storage.

    FORBES: Big Data Requires a Big, New Architecture

  • Written by experts who pioneered use of genetic data to search for the aggressive fish, the paper disagrees with government scientists who say many of the positive Asian carp DNA hits recorded in or near the lakes in recent years could have come from other sources, such as excrement from birds that fed on carp in distant rivers.

    WSJ: Report: Asian carp may have reached Great Lakes

  • Additionally, the chance of a random search term correlating with the ILInet data in all ten regions is considerably less than the chance that a random search term can correlate with the data for single location.

    FORBES: How Accurate Is Google Flu Trends?

  • Grokker acts as a plug-in that sits on top of a search engine and, by reading tags written into the data with the XML software language, arranges the results of a search into a ring of spheres or an array of squares labeled to show each one's relationship.

    FORBES: Finding Meaning In A Google World

  • Built on top of LucidWorks Search, LucidWorks Big Data certifies and integrates all of the Apache open source components necessary to develop and manage a big data application, including Hadoop, Mahout, HBase, Zookeeper, Pig, and other software tools.

    FORBES: LucidWorks: Bringing Search to Big Data

  • The Clickfree backup application will automatically start, search the computer, organize and backup all of your important data onto the external hard drive.

    ENGADGET: Clickfree gone wild at CES: 1TB drive, Mac support and online backup

  • When that argument failed, the search firm put diplomacy aside and stopped the automatic flow of data in the other direction.

    ECONOMIST: Data protectionism: Serfing the web | The

  • In August 2006, AOL released the search records of 650, 000 of its users--the data from a total of 20 million searches-- to the U.S. Department of Justice.

    FORBES: Out-Gagging Google

  • Developed in 2009 in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control, the tool digs through massive amounts of search data (all anonymous) looking for flu-releated searches around the world and maps out the intensity of outbreaks.

    CNN: Tracking the flu with technology and Twitter

  • You can think then of Big Data as the extension of the Web and search into the rest of the non-digital world.

    FORBES: Welcome to the Real World

  • The SETI Institute is now offering the world the first taste of raw SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) data collected by the Allen Telescope Array in California.

    CNN: What if there's somebody else out there?

  • And the better it understands what users are doing with a mashup--something that only the owners of the original data see best--the better its search results.

    FORBES: Why Google Loves The Little Guys

  • The product-search site has grown rapidly over the past couple of years, comScore data show, but still lags behind Amazon and eBay in terms of the number of searches it handles.

    WSJ: Google Jumps Into Fashion E-Commerce

  • All seven economists insist that their results are not the product of data-mining crunching the numbers in search of any interesting pattern they can find.

    ECONOMIST: How the sun and the moon move markets

  • He also said Android has significantly improved its mobile-app store, now called Google Play, over the past year, including a revamped search feature and providing more data to developers about the location of app's users and the type of phones they're using.

    WSJ: Google Set to Unveil Tablet at Developers Conference

  • Anyone on the Internet is familiar with the search box and can find the data they are looking for without knowledge of any programming language.

    FORBES: LucidWorks: Bringing Search to Big Data

  • The two companies aim to help gene researchers quickly sift through the massive amounts of DNA data and medical record information in search of crucial genetic variations that can increase the risk of everything from heart disease to diabetes.

    FORBES: IBM Signs Deal With DeCode Genetics

  • The product will allow users to search for people, places, photos and interests within the deluge of data made available by friends and fans.

    FORBES: Graph Search And Online Recruiting: How Facebook Is Transforming An Industry

  • He had been working in the fashionable mathematical field of chaos theory an explanation in search of a problem when he came across a suitable problem in the form of mountains of data accumulated by various ocean and atmospheric scientists of his acquaintance.

    ECONOMIST: Lagrangian coherent structures

  • For Google, which holds more than 70% of the search-engine market by some counts, data retention is one area where the company may be vulnerable.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Best Stocks for Option Traders: Using the same type of analysis as above, there are many ways we can use the data to search for ideal option plays.

    FORBES: Sweetest Stocks For Options Trades

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