The success of the WSDPD will depend on the active involvement of many partners such as intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, scientific and research institutions, professional associations, the media, science teachers and schools.
UNESCO: Science Policy and Capacity-Building
Also there are handled matters of strengthening of partners interrelation between scientific-research and educational institutions and NGOs in the area of preservation of valuable underground water resources.
Two-way satellite services were deployed over 18 SEE research and higher education institutions from the scientific fields recommended by the Ministerial Round Table held at UNESCO in 2001.
UNESCO: Communication and Information
Dr. Billal has pioneered establishment of a number of institutions including the ISESCO Center for Promotion of Scientific Research (ICPSR), Islamic Citation Centre (ISC), Islamic Body on Ethics of Science and Technology (IBEST), Islamic Network of Women Scientists (INWS) and launched a number of projects and strategies of prime importance for the promotion of science and technology in the Islamic World.
UNESCO: Education
In this context, UNESCO approached the European Space Agency (ESA) for applying satellites technologies to provide research and higher education institutions in SEE with access to scientific content and services.
UNESCO: Communication and Information
Ensuring affordable high-speed Internet connections and equally affordable access to electronic scientific information and data for all the world's universities and research institutions has become indispensable for informed decision-making and knowledge production.
Deputies of Legislative chamber of Oliy Majlis, scholars, research officers of Institute of Geological sciences and geologic engineering, representatives of other scientific-educational institutions, international organizations, ecological movement of Uzbekistan and mass media took part in the work of the seminar.
It also focuses on developing centres of excellence of specialised postgraduate studies and advanced research by agreement between the parties, with international support and hopes to foster scientific advancement through research in relevant disciplines, and to increase the availability of outstanding specialists within the participating institutions.
UNESCO: Purpose/Objectives of the Chair