• Many of the scientific and technological breakthroughs are made by poor-country scientists working in rich-country laboratories.

    ECONOMIST: BY INVITATION: Helping the world’s poorest | The

  • Note to the media: All points of view on scientific and technological issues are not created equal.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Paul had been in business for 3.5 years providing scientific and technological solutions to the U.S. military.

    FORBES: Why Business Owners Should be Cheering for Alternative Lenders

  • Promotes principles, practices and ethical norms relevant for scientific and technological development.


  • Yet despite great scientific and technological superiority in past decades, U.S. strategic missile and nuclear deterrence protections under the current administration continue to erode.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • We must equip our learners with basic scientific and technological literacies.

    UNESCO: ?Ministry of Education, Malaysia

  • Our modern societies, all strongly based on technological improvements, consistently demand a solid scientific and technological knowledge from those who wish to be considered citizens.

    UNESCO: Science Policy and Capacity-Building

  • Since not enough Americans are interested and capable, it would be logical for us to open our arms to the scientific and technological leaders of the world.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In contrast, the early scientific and technological achievements of Asia were not wedded to great enterprises or great purposes but remained largely clever instruments to be admired.

    CNN: Building On A Golden Age

  • The aim of IHP is also to improve the scientific and technological basis on which to build sound managing methods for water resources, respectful of the environment.

    UNESCO: General Conference | About - Elections - Subsidiary Bodies

  • WPSU-TV was affiliated with Penn State University, and after the Leary show, I ended up producing a number of programs that featured scientific and technological advances from university research.

    FORBES: Will the Cloud Cost You Your Job?

  • The gasolier was the product of scientific and technological development that was financed by entrepreneurs with the main goal of selling it to the largest number of people possible.

    FORBES: Technology's Domestic Origins. Plus: 4 Great Kitchen Gadgets Without Touchscreens

  • The job losses from the fiscal cliff would be devastating by themselves but they would also set America further behind other nations in the race towards scientific and technological leadership.

    FORBES: How Will the Fiscal Cliff Impact Our Innovation Economy?

  • Afterwards, when the crowds had dispersed, I met up with Anna Maria Arabia, who heads up the nation's peak scientific body FASTS (the Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies).

    BBC: Canberra's season of protest

  • But there are some cuts would be just unwise, and in his State of the Union speech last night Barack Obama argued that spending on scientific and technological research is one of them.

    FORBES: A Biotech Perspective On Why We Shouldn't Cut The NIH

  • But he said Britain wanted an investigation into the scientific and technological issues over cutting the environmental damage of aviation when it chaired the G8 summits of the world's most industrialised countries next year.

    BBC: Students are set to pay up to ?3,000 in fees

  • The impact of increasing atmospheric carbon is widely recognized, but diminution of human emissions of carbon will either require a difficult decrease in our use of fossil fuels or significant scientific and technological breakthroughs.

    WHITEHOUSE: OSTP Director Holdren Keynotes Engineering Academy Summit | The White House

  • If scientific and technological jobs cannot be filled with qualified U.S. citizens, then there should be no limits placed on the number of qualified immigrants, as long as they have legitimate sponsors to guarantee employment.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The ANII is an important partner in scientific and technological cooperation for sustainable human development in Uruguay, focused on moving towards a learning society and to an economy based on knowledge and motorized by innovation.

    UNESCO: logo

  • Our educational system at the K-12 level does not adequately prepare enough students with needed proficiencies in STEM, resulting in an insufficient pipeline of kids enthusiastic about and equipped to pursue scientific and technological fields at the collegiate level.

    FORBES: Do Americans Have 21st Century Job Skills?

  • The Soviets' knowledge from 1941 that the western allies were pursuing the bomb, and the receipt of detailed scientific and technological information from top scientists such as Klaus Fuchs, must have speeded up the development of their own nuclear weapons.

    ECONOMIST: History of espionage: Dark secrets | The

  • Today in Washington, President Obama and President Rousseff reviewed the accomplishments of the Global Partnership Dialogue (GDP), elevated to the Presidential level in March 2011, which strengthens U.S.-Brazil partnership across a range of global issues including the advancement of educational cooperation, scientific and technological cooperation, and multilateral and trilateral cooperation.

    WHITEHOUSE: Fact Sheet: The U.S.-Brazil Global Partnership Dialogue

  • While UNESCO recognizes the tremendous efforts made by the national authorities with respect to their heritage, at the same time, UNESCO also recognizes that the national authorities do not always have access to modern scientific and technological tools that can significantly assist in the preservation of cultural and natural heritage.


  • And we're going to expand opportunities for all our young people -- including women and minorities who too often have been underrepresented in scientific and technological fields, but who are no less capable of succeeding in math and science and pursuing careers that will help improve our lives and grow our economy.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Kicks Off "Educate to Innovate"

  • "Most developing countries have so far been unable to take full advantage of the advances offered by new information and communication technologies in terms of access to scientific and technological information and learning opportunities, " Mr Matsuura said, calling for international frameworks to help Member States formulate national policies that facilitate access for all to essential information.


  • " What's more, while the research hasn't even begun yet, one of the professors involved sees it as nothing short of a milestone, saying that "the outcome of the research will define the scientific and technological requirements for the design of humanoid robots able to develop complex behavioural, thinking and communication skills through individual and social learning.

    ENGADGET: Researchers working to teach creepy baby robot to talk

  • The key to meeting these challenges -- to improving our health and well-being, to harnessing clean energy, to protecting our security, and succeeding in the global economy -- will be reaffirming and strengthening America's role as the world's engine of scientific discovery and technological innovation.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Kicks Off "Educate to Innovate"

  • We have led the world in scientific research and technological breakthroughs that have transformed millions of lives.

    WHITEHOUSE: The Country We Believe In: Improving America��s Fiscal Future | The White House

  • Mr. KRISHTALKA: We have to do a much, much better job especially if we hope to be competitive in a global society that is increasingly scientific and increasingly technological.

    NPR: Groups Fight New Science Standards in Kansas

  • Whether it's improving our health or harnessing clean energy, protecting our security or succeeding in the global economy, our future depends on reaffirming America's role as the world's engine of scientific discovery and technological innovation.

    WHITEHOUSE: Honoring Educators in Math and Science

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