• "(Airlines) who are IATA member carriers actually have a far better safety rate than the industry standard, " Voss said.

    CNN: How do you know your airline is safe?

  • In " Flight To Safety " you rate Pakistan as a high-risk area.

    FORBES: Readers Say

  • In lung cancer, for instance, doctors will fret about safety issues, particularly the rate of serious bleeding.


  • Add to that a low Australian dollar, excellent food and wine, friendly and easy-going people who do not sneer at tourists, because they travel themselves, first-world health and safety standards and a low crime rate, and the place sounds irresistible.

    ECONOMIST: A survey of Australia

  • There's no question that the Cessna Mustang will be a first-rate jet in quality and safety.

    FORBES: Cheap Jet Update

  • Meanwhile, the rest of the transportation sector clocked in a rate of 5.0 safety incidents per 100 full-time employees.

    FORBES: Oil & Gas Isn't Just One Of The Richest Industries, It's Also One Of The Safest

  • Transocean uses two safety criteria to calculate executive bonuses: the rate of incidents per 200, 000 hours that employees work, and the potential severity of those incidents.

    WSJ: Transocean Cites Safety in Bonuses

  • This is not a year to hunker down in money market funds or to seek safety in government bonds (which in fact rate high on the risk meter).

    FORBES: The outlook for 2011

  • Over time that message evolved so the muscle activity involved in a smile sends a message to the brain signaling safety, which could translate into lower heart rate and stress levels.

    WSJ: Stress-Busting Smiles

  • From the guides to the pilots to the safety briefing and gear, everything is totally first rate.

    FORBES: Dream Trip: Epic Summer Skiing & Fishing Adventure

  • It acts as a safety-valve for a country that has an unemployment rate of 20% and no welfare provision.

    ECONOMIST: Morocco

  • Enforcement of fire-safety rules in Russia is lax, contributing to a death rate from fires that is far higher than in many Western countries.

    WSJ: Russian Hospital Fire Kills 38

  • Stuckler and his team are now exploring those country-by-country variances, and whether a country's investment in social safety-net programs is related to how closely the suicide rate mirrors the unemployment rate.

    CNN: European suicides spiked during economic crisis

  • Yet in fact, a flexible exchange rate can offer more stability, partly by providing a safety valve which helps to protect the real economy.

    ECONOMIST: China's economy

  • On Thursday, the European Central Bank cut its official deposit rate for overnight lending to the central bank by 50 basis points, to 1.0%, below its 2.5% benchmark rate, in an attempt to wean banks off the safety of its vaults and thus stimulate interbank lending.

    FORBES: Market Scan

  • For example, Eyeview demonstrated how it is able to deliver an advertisement for a Mazda vehicle would either focus on the safety aspects of the vehicle (for families) or the low interest rate (for those economically minded).

    FORBES: You Had Me At 'Shalom'

  • As investors have run to safety, Treasury yields have plunged and could pull 30-year fixed-rate mortgages below 5%.

    FORBES: Mini-Depression of 2008

  • Murray said tougher safety standards for Mexican trucks are imperative because they have a much higher inspection failure rate than U.S. or Canadian trucks.

    CNN: truck

  • According to the National Safety Council (using Bureau of Labor Statistics data), in 1996 Regals accident incidence rate was 40% lower than the industry average.

    FORBES: The sweet smell of oil

  • In the early 1980s, when grass-roots safety groups brought attention to drunk driving, many states required a 0.15 BAC rate to demonstrated intoxication.


  • Lowering the rate to 0.05 would save about 500 to 800 lives annually, the safety board said.


  • " Based on the total rate of incidents and their severity, "we recorded the best year in safety performance in our company's history.

    WSJ: Transocean Cites Safety in Bonuses

  • Liquid-fuel reactors, such as MSRs, also offer inherent safety advantages: because the fuel is liquid, it expands when heated, thus slowing the rate of nuclear reactions and making the reactor self-governing.

    FORBES: A Pair of MIT Scientists Try to Transform Nuclear Power

  • Earlier this year, it said its recordable injury rate there had declined every year since 2005, and that the refinery's 2009 safety performance ranked among the industry's leaders.

    WSJ: As CEO Hayward Remade BP, Safety, Cost Drives Clashed

  • From 2005 to 2009, it had the highest accident rate of any big Japanese nuclear plant, according to data collected by the Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, a mainly government-funded group.

    FORBES: An Immodest Proposal to Spur Nuclear Energy Industry Growth -- and Global Safety

  • You want a guarantee of safety - not something along the lines of "if we peak at date X and reduce emissions at rate Y that gives you Z% chance of not being flooded out of existence".

    BBC: Durban: Climate summit looks back and forward

  • Sam Kazman of the Competitive Enterprise Institute points out the latest research from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows SUVs (sport utility vehicles) over 4, 500 pounds have a one-third lower death rate than cars below 2, 500 pounds.

    FORBES: Death for Bigger Cars Will Mean More Deaths

  • BioSante reported that with 2, 869 women enrolled and over 3, 000 women-years of exposure in it LibiGel Phase III cardiovascular and breast cancer safety study, there have been 17 adjudicated cardiovascular (CV) events, with a lower than anticipated event rate of approximately 0.57 percent.

    FORBES: BioSante's Pollyannish Press Release

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