• Using the HANA in-memory data engine, salespeople can use BusinessObjects Explorer to query and drill into 12 million active customer records and 700 million historical records in real-time, versus the 4-5 hours it used to take to run a report.

    FORBES: Will Mobile Business Apps Worsen Your Information Overload?

  • One mid-size insurance company which had 600 reports looked at the way BasisPoint works and concluded it could get by with just 30 reports, all of which were already in Pendo, since the rest of the information was always available by query rather than requiring IT to run a report.

    FORBES: Why Jamie Dimon And Jon Corzine Couldn't Find Their Money

  • The BBC has begun disciplinary measures against some of those involved in the decision to run a Newsnight report on care homes in north Wales.

    BBC: Crisis at the BBC: Media reaction

  • Whistleblowers played a "significant" role in highlighting concerns about Cornwall's out-of-hours doctors service run by Serco, a report has found.

    BBC: Serco vehicle

  • The consultation will begin at the end of this month and run until February with a report on its findings in 2013.

    BBC: Clackmannanshire consultation on school holiday changes

  • Whether or not this is true, it does not help that unlike Google and other rivals, Baidu does not distinguish in search results between paid links (ie, advertisements) and unpaid ones a practice that was criticised in a report by CCTV, a state-run broadcaster, in November.

    ECONOMIST: Google in Asia: Seeking success | The

  • On the day the decree was published, state-run newspaper al-Ahram said that an internal report by a commission monitoring the performance of state-run radio and TV described the state TV stations' coverage as "non-professional", "confused", and "lost" as they waited for directives on how to cover the news.

    BBC: Egypt state TV inconsistent in constitution decree row

  • He concludes that only a badly run small firm would report any profits at all.

    ECONOMIST: Tax reform runs late | The

  • In a state-run Xinhua media report, one of the agency's photographers said local Egyptian staff had worked to try and clean the sculpture.


  • She implied at the time that her apology for the targeting, conveniently timed to front-run the Treasury IG report, was a spontaneous answer to a surprise question from the audience.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: Merely a Tax Misunderstanding

  • If a customer gripes that its telephone book is light on ink, Daly can look at a report on the print run and, if he sees that the last 1% of the run wasn't dark enough, tell the client to open another box because the rest of the run was fine.

    FORBES: Companies & Strategies

  • They also wrote to the state-run news agency Xinhua, which submitted a secret report to the leadership.

    ECONOMIST: And it turned sour

  • "Surely, the president and his staff will make the best decision, " Christine Assange said, according to a report in the state-run El Ciudadano website.


  • What you get back from the scan is a report showing the risk you run, relative to the average, of contracting the various conditions tracked.

    ECONOMIST: Peering into your medical future is risky

  • The president -- who survived two assassination attempts in December 2003 -- denounced Friday's attack, speaking out against what he said was a small number of Muslim extremists who would carry out such an act, according to a report from the state-run Associated Press of Pakistan.

    CNN: 'At least 50' dead in mosque bomb

  • The accompanying news report from the state-run Korean Central News Agency said the young leader dropped by to get a firsthand report on the progress of construction.


  • Overall, we think this quarterly report was not a home-run, but JPM also did not strike out.

    FORBES: Play Ball With Jamie Dimon, Ride JPMorgan 20% Higher

  • The Presidential Elections Committee has finished its collection and examination of the first-round votes, having "confirmed and validated (their) safety and accuracy, " according to a report Saturday from the state-run Egypt News Agency.


  • We also want to make sure that we run to ground any type of report out there about a threat to the American people.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The report also recommended that a community-run library in a post office branch in Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, should be closed in March, due to the high cost and low usage ratio.

    BBC: Shropshire mobile library services 'should be cut'

  • The factor 10a inhibitors have "home run potential, " says Citigroup analyst Matthew Dodds in a recent report.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "Combined with control of entitlement spending and a long-term solution to the Alternative Minimum Tax, this can have a beneficial effect on long-run growth, " the report says.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The state-run Xinhua news agency offered a similar just-the-facts report.

    WSJ: North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il Is Dead

  • The Bipartisan Policy Center issued a report today that said the government would actually run out of money prior to what we had normally talked about, so as early as February 15.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

  • Investors did not react strongly to the report, a sign that takeover talk may have run its course unless more evidence is offered.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The number of politicians in the States of Jersey should be reduced from 51 to 42, according to a report into how the island's government is run.

    BBC: Jersey Electoral Commission recommends smaller States

  • Late on Tuesday, the election commission announced that the spoiled ballots would count in the overall vote total, increasing the likelihood of a run-off between the top two candidates, news agencies report.

    BBC: Kenya elections: Electronic system slows count

  • " On the report's assertion that Mr. Murdoch is unfit to run a global company, the spokesman said: "That is a matter for the regulatory authority, not the government, to decide.

    WSJ: U.K. Report Assails News Corp.

  • Labour and the Lib Dems have urged Ofcom to hasten its review after an MPs' report said Rupert Murdoch was "not a fit person" to run News Corp.

    BBC: Ofcom 'won't be rushed' on BSkyB licence decision

  • Lee has been working on the best and worst jobs data since 1995, when he, Wisconsin publisher Les Krantz and two statistics professors from the University of Wisconsin, started putting together the report for CareerJournal.com, a now-defunct site formerly run by The Wall Street Journal.

    FORBES: The Most Overrated Jobs 2012

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