• Also, like the Apple, but unlike the Toshiba, Lenovo offers a roomier, 256 GB solid-state drive for extra money.

    WSJ: Ultrabooks Bring Light and Speedy to Windows

  • The innovation he most wants to see is roomier overhead bins.

    BBC: Seven innovations in air travel

  • The Forstars also hints that Smart cars might be getting roomier.

    FORBES: What The Smart Forstars Concept Car Says About The Company That Created It

  • The interior is a cube within a cube, dimensions that foster the illusion that the building is far roomier inside than it appears from the street.

    WSJ: St. Mary Woolnoth | Nicholas Hawksmoor | Fortress of God | Masterpiece by Richard B. Woodward

  • No-one around the cabinet table is arguing to remove the spending strait-jacket the government has chosen to wear but some are arguing that it is just a little bit roomier than the Treasury are currently arguing.

    BBC: Just how flexible is Plan A?

  • For years, it has raced ahead of the Premier Padmini, a roomier but relatively unwieldy and less fuel-efficient car modeled on a 1951 Fiat, and the Fiat Uno, which sold only 8, 500 units in the past year.


  • Lincoln just announced that it plans to begin selling Lincoln vehicles there in late 2014, initially importing them from the United States and offering modifications such as roomier back seats that seem important to Chinese luxury consumers.

    FORBES: Lincoln, Cadillac Bet on U.S. Revival -- And China Up Sleeve

  • First, Ms Mayer notes that the extra money tends to be spent on such things as restaurant meals, clothes, dishwashers, roomier houses or second cars, none of which matters much in helping children succeed in school or life.

    ECONOMIST: Can��t buy me love

  • Similarly, when a shopper goes to the store and listens to different sets of stereo speakers, she may notice that the ugly, boxy speakers have a less boomy bass and a roomier midrange than the small, sleek ones do.


  • Typically measuring just 18 square feet, the stacked sleeping capsules are not much roomier than coffins though they do have TVs and wireless connections, and offer a cozy spot to curl up in for businessmen too tired or tipsy for the long commute home.

    FORBES: The World's Tiniest Hotel Rooms

  • After all, if our thoughts are necessarily imprisoned by language, as Sapir-Whorf suggests, then the only sensible course of action is to build a roomier, more lavish jail cell with all the amenities an inmate could possibly desire a new language that could make possible new ways of thinking.

    NEWYORKER: Utopian for Beginners

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