• Plus some fuzzy, picture-book images of black-robed friars and armored conquistadors I couldn't identify.

    NPR: Unearthing History in 'A Voyage Long and Strange'

  • The cardinal, though robed as a Good Shepherd, often seemed a wheeler-dealer in best Philippine style.

    ECONOMIST: Cardinal Sin

  • After his parents left, a black-robed magistrate came in and informed him of the charges against him.

    NEWYORKER: Ghosts

  • At the bottom, hanging like a pendulum, is a picture of Bal Thackeray: a serene, orange-robed guru, grinning.

    BBC: Shiv Sena knives: At the sharp end of Indian politics

  • In the early morning, step outside and join pious locals as they dole out alms to saffron-robed monks.

    WSJ: Insider's Guide to Bangkok | Journal Concierge

  • While enjoying a cold-meat platter, I watched my robed fellow patrons sipping beer and feasting on the day's special boiled crawfish.

    WSJ: Steam Heat, Vodka and a Sound Thrashing

  • Patriarch Bartholomew, the senior bishop of the Orthodox Church, led his impressively robed guests in a silent supplication for the planet.

    ECONOMIST: Religious groups and scientists team up

  • The robed and bewigged lords of the bench may soon be more of a media fixture than the rough courtroom sketch.

    ECONOMIST: Broadcasting bits of court cases might be a good idea

  • Many Egyptians have been thrilled to see Christians and Muslims, including robed priests and turbaned Azharite scholars, mingling cheerfully in the square.

    ECONOMIST: Egypt and the region

  • White-robed church volunteers marched down the church aisle behind Father Sirop, who chanted and waved thickly-scented incense that wafted through the building.

    NPR: Iraqi Catholics Celebrate Easter

  • One Han teenager ran into a monastery for refuge, prostrating himself before a red-robed Tibetan abbot who agreed to give him shelter.

    ECONOMIST: A week in Tibet

  • Robed in layers of Under Armour and wool, plus masks, liners, and hand-warmers, I welcome snow blowing horizontally and the single-digit wind-chill factor.

    FORBES: Go with the Floe

  • Lines of red-robed monks kneel and chant as small boys--the monks are as young as 8--circulate with steel pots of tea and tsampa.

    FORBES: Feature

  • Some of the possible elements were already visible during the recent unrest, from student radicals to the white-robed "Defenders of Islam" flashing knives.

    CNN: Walking on a Tightrope

  • The love between these two is the spark for mysterious occurrences, notably the invasion of the closed society by a bevy of red-robed woodland beasts.

    NEWYORKER: The Village

  • The all-too-real possibility of a violent Israeli reaction--Israel has long considered Iran's black-robed fascists to be its ultimate enemy--may be the only possible deterrent to Iran's final nuclearization.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • The president, also a Sinhalese nationalist, with a fervent following among the country's orange-robed right-wing Buddhist clergy, played the war's endgame with a callous disregard for Tamil lives.

    ECONOMIST: Sri Lanka's election

  • Robed sheikhs with trimmed beards and cloaks edged with gold thread were giving each other elaborate greetings, the men touching their noses to each other in the tribal tradition.

    BBC: Meeting the king of simmering Bahrain

  • By 960 AD, the church had become a Benedictine monastery, and the Abbey's black-robed monks were familiar figures at Westminster for almost 600 years, until Henry VIII split from Rome.

    BBC: The hidden history of Westminster

  • Then some stocky, heavily bearded, white robed and turbaned American, who we were told was Adam Gadahn, a Jewish Californian convert to Islam and Al Qaeda, made his first of many appearances.

    CNN: Former hostage: I was shamed by western use of torture

  • Perhaps Secretary Rice can swiftly exercise Henry Kissingeresque diplomacy and cleverly force Iran into a corner--with Europe, China and Russia ready to apply serious sanctions against these black-robed fascists if they don't drop their nuclear ambitions.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • On average a pound a day flowed from Him as He gave darshan, allowing His followers a sight of God as He moved among them, a tiny ochre-robed figure with an immense black afro, or halo, of hair.

    ECONOMIST: Sai Baba

  • The oil depicts a blue-robed woman.

    WSJ: Modernist Art From India: The Body Unbound at Rubin Museum

  • An obvious difference between modern gangsterism and its pre-revolutionary counterpart is that few gangs today are known by names unlike the famous Green Gang, a powerful force in pre-communist Shanghai, or Chongqing's Robed Brothers, who controlled the city's opium trade and gambling.

    ECONOMIST: China's other face

  • But with rumours swirling of a lobbying campaign to rally clerical support for ousting Mr Khamenei, the supreme leader may suddenly find himself facing not only a backlash from the millions of ordinary citizens who now openly denounce him as a dictator, but also from his robed and turbaned comrades.

    ECONOMIST: A debate rages about the nature of clerical rule

  • Niloofar, who is twenty-seven, is a striking woman with a strong face and high cheekbones, and, on the day I met her, at the Parliament, she wore, instead of a burka, a brilliant turquoise shalwar kameez and head scarf all the more noticeable in the assemblage of drably suited and robed male M.

    NEWYORKER: The Taliban��s Opium War

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