• This particular research forms the basis of creating a collection of Antarctic bacteria for conservation and biotechnological research purposes.

    BBC: Viewpoint: The last great polar challenge

  • Such research forms the basis of training in medical school and residencies.

    FORBES: We Probably Spend Too Little On Health Care (Unless You're Peter Orszag)

  • And they have pioneered research as a basis for innovation.

    UN: Secretary-General

  • If the synergy between teaching and research is lost, the whole basis of America's research universities is undermined.

    ECONOMIST: Research universities

  • So says Michael Morris, a professor of psychology at Columbia University, on the basis of research carried out on a bunch of college students.

    ECONOMIST: Metaphors can move markets

  • In 1994, neuroscientist Antonio Damasio conducted research that has become the basis of ongoing discoveries in this area.

    FORBES: Get Past Your Fear Of Selling By Using Your Emotions

  • This, in turn, has very worrying implications for the major international policy decisions adopted on the basis of their research.

    WSJ: James Delingpole: Climategate 2.0

  • It took a lot of research to document the cost basis, but when it was all buttoned up, we were stunned.

    FORBES: Hidden Tax Time Bombs That Sabotage Retirement

  • These objectives are achieved in co-operation with competent non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations, and through networking of specialized centres of excellence that organize training activities, workshops and research projects on a collaborative basis.

    UNESCO: Basic Sciences

  • Effective adaptation policies will need to be formulated on the basis of interdisciplinary research that brings together indigenous knowledge holders and scientists, both natural and social, to build mutual understanding and reinforce dialogue.


  • These objectives are achieved in co-operation with scientific non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations, and with networks of scientists and specialized centres of excellence, for organizing of training activities, workshops and research projects on a collaborative basis.

    UNESCO: Basic Sciences

  • Like medical research provides general insights that a skilled doctor needs to combine into a unique treatment plan for an individual patient, rigorous management research could and should provide the basis for skilled managers to make better decisions.

    FORBES: Business schools suffer from a dangerous lack of evidence based teaching

  • First, to what extent does existing research provide a reliable and reasonable scientific basis for the notion that breast implants filled with silicone gel cause or exacerbate chronic illnesses such as autoimmune diseases?

    ECONOMIST: Scientific justice

  • Professors at most U.S. universities, for example, must publish in addition to teaching to be granted tenure, and the basic research done at universities is often the basis for many new products and technologies.

    FORBES: Innovation and IPR in China, Part III

  • The DSM is supposed to reflect the current knowledge in the field and some of the latest research is too new to use as a basis for changing the framework of how mental illness is diagnosed, say DSM leaders.

    WSJ: Revised Psychiatric Manual Faces Mixed Reviews

  • The basis for the platform centers around research related to Microsoft's Singularity project, and envisions a distributed environment where applications, documents, and connectivity are blurred in a cloud-computing phantasmagoria which can be run natively or hosted across multiple systems.

    ENGADGET: Microsoft's Midori -- a future without Windows

  • We are standing on a site which we expect to become a basis for an advanced manufacturing technology and research location.

    BBC: News Online

  • Scientists are on the verge of enabling us to attack diseases almost on an individual basis, thanks to molecular and genetic research breakthroughs.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • These interviews, which served as the basis of Mr. Spiegelman's research for "Maus, " were the only time when the fractious relationship between father and son could abate for a while.

    WSJ: Review: Of Mice and Men | 'Art Spiegelman: Co-Mix' at the Centre Pompidou in Paris

  • As for myself, Texas Christian University contracts with me to teach, research, and perform service activities on a regular basis, and in exchange they direct deposit money into my account every month.

    FORBES: Of Course the Government Can Create Jobs!

  • Professor Simon Baron Cohen, of the Autism Research Centre in Cambridge, added that the research " may have some relevance to understanding the genetic basis of autism spectrum conditions" because the mouse behaviour mirrored that of a subgroup of people with autistic spectrum conditions.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | 'Autistic' mice offer gene clue

  • Interest rates are crucial because the White House proposal is tied to something known as the 415(b) limit an amount that limits how big an annual pension a company can fund, on a tax favored basis, for any worker, EBRI Director of Research Jack VanDerhei explained yesterday.

    FORBES: Obama Budget Aims To Raise $580 Billion In New Taxes From Old Ideas Targeting Rich

  • Flavonoids and flu: Two plant-based flavonoids disease-fighting compounds found in many foods significantly impaired the infectious activity of H5N1 avian-flu virus in laboratory experiments and may form the basis of future influenza treatments, a report in Antiviral Research says.

    WSJ: Sleep's Surprising Effects on Hunger

  • In 1920, HBS innovated the case method of research and teaching where students literally sink or swim entirely on the basis of their ability to persuade peers that their analysis and recommended course of action is the right one for the company in question.

    FORBES: HBS Alumni In The Global Economy

  • Research being done at University College, London, suggests there is a genetic basis for the problem.

    BBC: two dice

  • Although its fourth-quarter performance was slightly weaker, "looked at on a full-year basis, the results are clearly very strong, " says Nomura research analyst Fraser Ramzan.

    BBC: Zara-owner Inditex's profits rise by 22%

  • But amateur tax preparers--namely, people doing their own returns--can still avoid penalties if they have a credible basis for their position, so they can get by with less research or take iffier positions.

    FORBES: Does your accountant work for you or the IRS?

  • "While prices will continue to fall on a year-on-year basis, you can see some signs of stabilizing on a sequential basis, " said Kris Li, a property analyst from Shenyin Wanguo Research and Consulting.

    WSJ: China Housing Market Shows Signs of Warming

  • Bear Stearns, CSFB, Goldman, Lehman, Merrill, Piper Jaffray, Citigroup and UBS are also accused of issuing research reports not based on principles of fair dealing, and which did not provide a sound basis for evaluating facts and which contained exaggerated claims.

    ECONOMIST: Day of reckoning | The

  • The message is, if I have a moment to say this, Government should revisit their contribution to the charities or the cancer areas that require research profoundly, and they could do immense good and save thousands of lives on an annual basis.

    BBC: News Online

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