• At some stage during 2012, William is due to be posted to the Falklands with the RAF Search and Rescue force for two months while Kate remains at home.

    BBC: Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to cut down royal duties

  • He wrote to his president, Jimmy Carter, that a plan to try to rescue by force 52 Americans held prisoner in the United States embassy in Tehran had been made against his judgment and that he was resigning as secretary of state, whether the mission succeeded or failed.

    ECONOMIST: Cyrus Vance

  • It was also used to train the pilots who conducted the rescue of Air Force Capt.

    CNN: Pilots study virtual terrain of Bosnia

  • Despite an extensive search involving a Royal Air Force rescue helicopter, five RNLI lifeboats, other vessels and a police helicopter, Mr Robertson was not found.

    BBC: Criticism of fishing boat St Amant after death off Anglesey

  • The Port Authority has been working with the Federal Aviation Administration to rectify the failures, detailed in a new agreement between the Port Authority and the FAA to create an independent aircraft rescue and firefighting force without additional duties as police officers.

    WSJ: Gov't: 4 NY area airports have training violations

  • Glenelg, Kintail and Royal Air Force mountain rescue teams were involved in the operation, alongside the coastguard and police dog units.

    BBC: Clive Dennier

  • The hope is that the ring fence, combined with other reforms, would make it easier and cheaper to rescue the parts of banks vital to the economy, and would force the costs of the rescue on to shareholders and creditors.

    BBC: Separation of retail banks 'will take years'

  • White House spin, being headlined in the press, is that President Barack Obama "twice approved force" to rescue Maersk Alabama Captain Richard Phillips from Somali pirates.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama dithered for nearly three days on pirates

  • The recent deployment of Prince William to the Falklands in his role as a Royal Air Force search and rescue pilot, as well as Britain's decision to send a new warship to the area, may have fueled Argentine emotions.


  • William is a search and rescue pilot for the Royal Air Force and must decide soon if he wants to stay on in the service for another three years.


  • Meanwhile, the Coast Guard and Air Force were unable to rescue 22 people aboard a freighter adrift in the Gulf of Mexico because of weather, the two military branches said Friday.

    CNN: More than 120 rescued from Ike's floods

  • Then a Quick Reaction Force of soldiers deploys to rescue the villagers and put everyone through a decontamination station.

    FORBES: Zombies Battle Navy SEALs for Afghan Village

  • The South African Air Force is being used to rescue people affected by the flooding in remote settlements, some of which are cut off from the outside world.

    BBC: South African crocodiles 'in mass escape' during floods

  • The recent deployment of Prince William to the Falklands in his role as a Royal Air Force search-and-rescue pilot, as well as Britain's decision to send a new warship to the area, further fueled tensions.

    CNN: Falklands war wounds still fresh, 30 years later

  • Heavy rains are affecting other parts of northern South Africa - and the air force has been used to rescue people affected by the flooding in remote settlements, some of which are cut off from the outside world.

    BBC: South African crocodiles hunt 'continues by night'

  • Prince William works as a search and rescue pilot for Britain's Royal Air Force, where he is a flight lieutenant.

    WSJ: 6 Smart Wedding Tips From William and Kate

  • The troops were fired on by rocket propelled grenades and a quick reaction force including a helicopter sent to rescue the troops, also came under attack.

    BBC: Dead soldiers had 'no back-up'

  • Feldman and Wilson, who have been advising the Teamsters since last summer, also worked together on President Barack Obama's auto task force during the government's rescue of General Motors and Chrysler.

    WSJ: Twinkies Maker Hostess Files for Chapter 11 Protection

  • The three European powers face the task of cobbling together an intervention force in Macedonia, ready to rescue, if necessary, the unarmed mission which is supposed to be verifying a ceasefire in neighbouring Kosovo.

    ECONOMIST: Blair’s defence offensive | The

  • He is sure that the status of no fatalities will change, because at this time there is nobody to perform search and rescue operations in fallen buildings because the police force is stretched to the limit and just patrolling the streets.

    BBC: NEWS | Have Your Say | Hurricane season: Your experiences

  • Air Force officials credit their Combat Search and Rescue teams with more than 750 saves in Iraq and Afghanistan since September 11, 2001.

    CNN: Quade: Secretive military team allows reporter inside

  • Presumably, he is now trying to draw Mr Kabila's army across the river, ostensibly as an impartial peacekeeping force but in fact to his own rescue.

    ECONOMIST: The Congos

  • He is an officer in the army, the navy and the air force, popping away from his helicopter rescue squadron to represent Britain's bid for the football World Cup.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • They are a mixture of Green Berets, Rangers and the Delta Force from the Army, the Seals (which stands for Sea-Air-Land) from the Navy and the Air Force's combat controllers and para rescue teams.

    BBC: Snipers

  • The fact is when the President took action to rescue the automobile industry in this country, to force it to restructure in a way that would make it more competitive and efficient in exchange for taxpayer assistance, it was not a popular decision.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • CNN's Gary Tuchman, accompanying airmen aboard an Air Force HC-130 search-and-rescue and refueling plane flying over Iraq, filed this report.

    CNN: Refueling 500 feet over Iraq 'keeps you on your toes'

  • Lt Comm Martin Lanni, Lt Michael Paulet, and Flt Lt Lee Turner all received the Air Force Cross for their role in the helicopter rescue of a group of climbers from Ben Nevis in May 2007.

    BBC: UK soldiers honoured for bravery

  • When I was in the Air Force, I was a crew chief on a rescue squad.

    NPR: Venezuela Copes with Crumbling Infrastructure

  • Police and fire crews have had to rescue stranded motorists distracting them from other duties, the Cambridgeshire force said.

    BBC: Cambridgeshire flood: Stranded drivers face prosecution

  • Cyprus may be the fourth eurozone country to request a bailout from international creditors -- after Ireland, Portugal and Greece -- but it is the first nation where politicians have attempted to force taxpayers into handing over their personal savings to rescue the banks.

    CNN: Cyprus deposit tax 'overnight robbery,' says businessman

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