• Satellites for communications, GPS, remote resource sensing, weather forecasting, agribusiness needs.

    FORBES: How Much Electricity Are You Paying For To Maintain Your Chevy Volt?

  • Proponents of the project argue construction of the tunnel will provide economic benefits for Russia by allowing the country to develop its resource-rich, remote Far East region, while providing the U.S. with a reliable source of long-term energy.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Bering Strait Tunnel Project

  • The promise was clear: if you simply start measuring and tracking everything, from minutely segmented sales and resource usage metrics to every conceivable macroeconomic variable of remote interest, we will be able to identify all manner of relationships, correlations and insights, the net result of which will be the capacity to much more effectively and efficiently allocate resources to take advantage of opportunity and drive results.

    FORBES: Big Data, Small Bets

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