• Religious tolerance began to crumble, culminating seven years later in the outbreak of the 30 Years War.

    ECONOMIST: An exhibition on Imperial Prague

  • But having chosen a path of freedom, democracy, and religious tolerance, they would like to see that recognized.

    WSJ: Indonesia Is a Model Muslim Democracy

  • If that's not irony enough, try this: the Deendar Anjuman advocates religious tolerance and the equality of all faiths.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Subcontinental Drift: Second Affront

  • Religious tolerance would be a shallow principle indeed if it were reserved only for faiths with which we agree.

    NPR: Romney Seeks to Put the Mormon Question to Rest

  • And if it continues to make progress on religious tolerance, it can point the way for other majority Muslim countries.

    WSJ: Indonesia Is a Model Muslim Democracy

  • The report, which was unveiled by US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, surveyed the state of religious tolerance in 194 countries.

    BBC: US condemns religious intolerance

  • To foster some Islamic credentials of his own, perhaps, the president has seemed disappointingly slow to stand up for greater religious tolerance.

    ECONOMIST: Banyan

  • As beneficiaries of a culture of religious tolerance, they are especially well placed to explain its merits to co-religionists in Islam's heartland.

    ECONOMIST: Islam and Christianity

  • This raises some uncomfortable questions about Indonesia's cherished tradition of religious tolerance.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia

  • Also at risk from the war next door could be Albania's status as an oasis of religious tolerance in a sea of sectarian hatred.

    ECONOMIST: The refugees: Still they flee | The

  • Indonesia's first two democratically elected presidents were Abdurrahman Wahid, a devout Muslim leader and proponent of religious tolerance, and Megawati Sukarnoputri, a passionate spokeswoman for democracy.

    WSJ: Indonesia Is a Model Muslim Democracy

  • Maybe because, at this moment of global religious tensions and confrontations, the relative religious tolerance (or indifference) found in New York City is not considered news.

    BBC: Babel, the urge to pray by Viviana Peretti

  • While Indonesia has made great progress in consolidating a stable, democratic government after five decades of authoritarian rule, it nonetheless has significant difficulty with national religious tolerance.


  • Our documentary concludes that most politicians believe this will only be possible if India's age-old tradition of religious tolerance remains at the centre of its national ideology.

    BBC: Hindu nation: What role for religion?

  • And then take those memories you make and use them as fuel for some old-fashioned American religious tolerance, inclusiveness, and political honesty: with liberty and justice for all.

    FORBES: Eleven Years Since 9/11: If You Don't Take Time to Remember, You Forget

  • The report recommends the establishment of an "independent national task force" with a strong mandate and the resources to implement a religious tolerance and freedoms strategy for the country.

    BBC: Indonesia urged to tackle religious intolerance

  • Second, in that line that says, "We are endowed by our Creator with our rights, " I believe we must maintain our commitment to religious tolerance and freedom in this country.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Modern scholarship has likened them to an ancient Taliban-like band of zealots who had no time for religious tolerance themselves unless it hewed to their own brand of old-time religion.

    FORBES: Hanukkah's "Don't Tread On Me" Message Is Universal In Its Appeal

  • He has appealed for calm and religious tolerance and warned that violence could spread and tear Russia apart, messages which resonate with many voters who still mourn the Soviet Union.

    MSN: At nearly 60, is Russia's Putin losing his macho image?

  • While Obama preached religious tolerance towards Islam, he has not spoken against Muslim persecutions of other faiths, such as Coptic Christians who are being expelled and threatened with death sentences.

    FORBES: Appease, Surrender, Abandon, and Get Nothing: Obama's NaivePolitik

  • "In the 18th Century, that model of religious tolerance based on a state with diverse cultures, but no single dominant religion, became a model for the founding fathers, " said Mr Raby.

    BBC: Cyrus Cylinder: How a Persian monarch inspired Jefferson

  • With substantive discussions about gun control, religious tolerance and parenting to a fun guest appearance by Gordon Ramsey to a pointless conversation about celebrities on Twitter, HuffPost Live entered the world yesterday.

    FORBES: HuffPost Live Day 1: Courageous, flawed and promising

  • Jonathan Trelawny who was ordained in 1673, was one of seven bishops charged with high treason and imprisoned in the Tower of London for refusing to implement King James II's Declaration of Indulgence granting religious tolerance to Catholics.

    BBC: Cornish award for Lord Lieutenant

  • But, you know, I think what I was trying to describe in the book was the tendency for those of us who believe in religious tolerance to then believe that any mention of religious faith is somehow suspect.

    NPR: Before Midterms, a Chat with Sen. Barack Obama

  • They do not reflect a liking for Mr Assad's regime, though seeing the agonies suffered by Iraq, a country of similarly sectarian complexity, a grudging respect has increased for Syria's model of political oppression coupled with religious tolerance.

    ECONOMIST: Syria

  • The resulting debate encompassed different interpretations of Islam, issues of portrayal, language, religious tolerance, the right to freedom of speech, the character of the Arab media and more in a heightened atmosphere which cut through the normal professional courtesies.

    BBC: newswatch banner

  • In fact, it is but the leading edge of the Brothers' bid to suppress public awareness of the threat posed by their program in societies that pride themselves on religious tolerance, thereby facilitating seditious penetration and influence operations by the Shariah-adherent.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Shariah's Brotherhood

  • The British Crown consequently took control of India from the East India Company and reorganized the government to address many of the tensions that led to the rebellion, which included granting greater religious tolerance and integrating Indian members of the higher castes into local governments.

    NPR: Lucknow Is For Lovers

  • It describes the problems that fundamentalism creates for a country founded on religious tolerance: a court threw out the conviction of one of the brothers, on the grounds that anyone who argued that he answered to the laws of God and not of man was incompetent to stand trial.

    ECONOMIST: Mormons who murder

  • Unfortunately, in two respects, the threat posed by Islamofascism is even greater than its totalitarian predecessors: Many of its adherents are inside Western societies and are adept at exploiting their political movement's patina of religiosity to exploit, to the Free World's detriment, our civil liberties rooted in religious tolerance.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What we are fighting for

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