• One place we have already begun to take action is at the agency in charge of regulating drilling and issuing permits, known as the Minerals Management Service.

    FORBES: Obama's Oil Spill Speech: Full Text

  • The enforcement action is the first for the CFPB since it began regulating financial companies last year.

    FORBES: Obama's Consumer Protection Agency Strikes: $210M Fine For Capital One

  • The EU and the US are committed to taking radical action that is liable to derail the global economy by regulating and taxing their most productive sectors out of business in order to contend with a threat that may not exist.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Narcissists and madmen

  • The Convention ensures a consistent approach to anti-doping efforts and compels government action such as restricting the supply of performance enhancing substances and methods, curtailing trafficking and regulating dietary and nutritional supplements.


  • Extension of a private right of action under U.S. law would supersede the policy choices of other sovereign nations by effectively regulating securities transactions in those nations and thereby interfering with the jurisdiction of their regulatory authorities.

    FORBES: Auditors Abandon Investors On Liability Limits

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