• It is unlikely that these calving events are the result of regional climate warming.

    BBC: Three giant bergs calved in Antarctic

  • Officials deny assertions that the dam and its more than 600-km (370-mile) reservoir might have affected the regional climate.

    ECONOMIST: China and opposition to dams

  • This warming is causing glaciers and ice shelves to melt, releasing large volumes of fresh water into the oceans which not only raises sea level, but also influences regional climate change.

    BBC: Polar expedition to study Antarctica's climate history

  • The spring brought below-average rainfalls in states such as Illinois and Indiana, and the warmest average temperatures in the Midwest for the first five months of the year on record, according to the Midwestern Regional Climate Center.

    WSJ: Midwest's Dry Spell Threatens to Intensify

  • So far, laboratory experiments meant to measure how plants will respond to warmer temperatures in the future haven't worked well, and computer models to forecast regional climate effects have fared no better, NASA and university researchers recently concluded.

    WSJ: A Science of Signs of Spring

  • As part of the FRIEND AMIGO LAC database system, the Regional Draught Surveillance and Diagnosis System Project maintains a regional climate and meteorological database for the subregion of Mesoamerica and the Caribbean that is currently being prepared for the whole region of Latin America.

    UNESCO: Data Base

  • But given its past performances, the question is whether SAARC will be able to steer the regional ship through the climate change storm.

    BBC: South Asian bloc active at climate meeting

  • The ACCC project is one of the various sub-regional efforts to adapt to climate change in costal zones.


  • The major player in South Asia, India, has also been stressing regional cooperation in efforts to mitigate climate change.

    BBC: South Asian bloc active at climate meeting

  • One area where the data could prove important was in attempts to "downscale" results from global climate models to a regional level.

    BBC: England's uplands 'get more frequent heavy rainfall'

  • Programmes target a wide range of national, regional and global challenges such as climate change, ocean health and fisheries, disaster warning and mitigation, capacity building, and data availability and exchange.

    UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: Oceans

  • "Environment ministers from all SAARC member countries except Sri Lanka were present in the meet and it was indeed a nice beginning towards dealing with the climate change on a regional basis, " said Nepalese environment minister Thakur Prasad Sharma after attending the informal meet.

    BBC: South Asian bloc active at climate meeting

  • Its national action plan on climate change frequently mentions a regional approach.

    BBC: South Asian bloc active at climate meeting

  • There are few people to handle difficult cross-regional topics such as water resources or climate change, and few linguists fluent in tongues helpful beyond Asia.

    ECONOMIST: India abroad

  • The meeting provides an opportunity for senior members of the Obama Administration to hear local and regional ideas, questions and concerns about climate change impacts in Hawaii and the Pacific and to describe federal planning efforts already underway.

    WHITEHOUSE: Browse White House visitor logs

  • And there I will discuss in greater detail our efforts to broaden and deepen our cooperation and make some specific announcements on important issues like counterterrorism and regional security, on clean energy and climate change, and on the advance of economic growth and development and democracy around the globe.

    WHITEHOUSE: Town Hall with Students in Mumbai

  • The world faces a wide range of serious, complex, and long-term water challenges, from shortages to contamination to local and regional disputes over water to long-term climate changes.

    FORBES: Water Emergencies: Time for New Plans and Technology

  • Today, no country is in the old sense far away when the consequences of regional instability and terrorism - and then also climate change, poverty, mass population movements and even organised crime - reverberate quickly round the globe.

    BBC: In full: Brown security statement

  • Argo data, along with satellite and other ocean data, feed into regional and global forecast models used for ocean and climate prediction over seasons, years, and decades.

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • The Leaders discussed global and regional issues, non-proliferation, counterterrorism, and climate change.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Working Lunch with ASEAN leaders

  • In addition, rifts over climate change and energy policy tend to be more regional than partisan.

    FORBES: Business In The Beltway

  • The other day, Solve Climate News provided in-depth coverage of a small regional business story with global ramifications: a battery maker called Axion Power in the Rust Belt burgh of New Castle, Penn.

    FORBES: Written by Chris Turner

  • In the best political climate, says one economist, growth in Israel's regional trade could not add more than 1% to its overall export volume.

    ECONOMIST: Israel and the Arab world

  • No one can even forecast global, national or regional weather conditions that will occur months or years into the future, much less climate shifts that will be realized over decadal, centennial and longer periods.

    FORBES: Climate Forecasting Models Aren't Pretty, And They Aren't Smart

  • Mike was a pioneer in the study of groundwater as an archive of past climate change and his research provided seminal scientific advances on controls on water quality in regional aquifers, recharge over time and space.

    UNESCO: In Memoriam: Professor W. Mike Edmunds

  • It focused on climate change science, as well as on key risks to Southern Africa, national and regional response strategies, and particularly on how best to communicate complex information to the general public.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

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