• The Arab-Israeli peace process was on ice.

    ECONOMIST: The awkward job of managing a region in flux

  • The books were then freeze-dried, a process that evaporates the ice into gas to stop further water damage or mildew.

    ECONOMIST: The Duchess Anna Amalia library

  • Since the total mass of the ocean and ice remains unchanged during the melting process, this has often led to the erroneous assumption that sea level will be unaffected by the melting of floating ice, say geologists David Holland and Adrian Jenkins.

    FORBES: On Romney's 'Rising Oceans', Time To Get A Bigger Boat

  • The seasonal change releases the ice directly into the atmosphere, a process known as sublimation, according to NASA, which described the images on its Mars Global Surveyor Web site.

    CNN: Summer is 'sublime' in sunny south of Mars

  • Reducing soot (and also ozone, an industrial pollutant that acts as a greenhouse gas) would not stop the summer sea ice disappearing, but it might delay the process by a decade or two.

    FORBES: Soot and CO2 In The Arctic

  • In Minnesota on Monday, people were watching the ice there melt, a steady rain helping the process, Tetrault said.

    CNN: 'Ice tsunamis' sweep into homes

  • But anyone who has tried blending ice to make a smoothie will tell you that the process is loud, takes a while and usually leaves your blender emanating a strange burning smell.

    FORBES: What Is Dry Water?

  • Added to the general atmospheric warming in the region, the researchers also describe an amplification process whereby reduced snow cover on the surrounding tundra and less sea-ice in the Arctic Ocean push up temperatures still further.

    BBC: Canadian glaciers face 'big losses'

  • The first sunrise revealed ice-carved waterways, so I strolled onto the bridge to view the complex and precise process of navigating this maze of land and sea.

    BBC: Patagonia��s ice-carved waterways

  • The researchers say they need to understand exactly how the ice gets on to the grains and evaporates from them again so that they can simulate the process of star formation with computers.

    BBC: University of Nottingham

  • Regardless of how markets choose to act in the short-term each time a speechifying Fed Governor or John Hilsenrath drops another ice cube in, you should know that the actual QE Exit is a four-step process and will play out over years, not weeks or months.

    FORBES: A Professional Preps for the End of QE

  • Green says that "moderate hypothermia" the process of running a cold saline solution through a patient's veins is almost like putting an ice pack on a bruised arm or leg.

    NPR: Outlook for Everett Optimistic, Doctor Says

  • The Trotsky ice ax, now on display at the exhibit in New York, was acquired through a vigorous negotiation process that stretched on for three years and concluded on a bridge crossing between the U.S. and Mexico.

    FORBES: Mansion Of Secrets: An Espionage Expert's Outrageous Spy Lair

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