• Mr Berlusconi has been prime minister three times since he first took office in 1994.

    BBC: Italy crisis: Silvio Berlusconi resigns as PM

  • He has already met the Israeli prime minister umpteen times and they have been unable to agree on any of the substantive issues.

    ECONOMIST: The Annapolis peace summit

  • Last month Hizbullah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, announced that he had been told to expect that members of his party may be accused of the murders, including that of Rafik Hariri, a five-times prime minister and leading Sunni politician, whose assassination in 2005 sparked an uprising that ousted Syria and its allies, including Hizbullah, from control.

    ECONOMIST: Lebanon and Israel

  • Indira Gandhi (1917-84), who was no relation to the Mahatma but the daughter of India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, put her baleful stamp on India in two times as prime minister, in 1966-77 and 1980-84.

    ECONOMIST: Indian biography: Skin deep | The

  • After all we in Britain elected the redoubtable Margaret Thatcher three times as prime minister.

    CNN: Europe mocks 'half-baked Alaskan' Palin

  • In 1809, William Gladstone, four times British prime minister, was born.

    CNN: Monday,

  • According to a study by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, sub-prime loans are five times as common in black neighbourhoods as in white ones.

    ECONOMIST: Lawmakers, state and federal, are mounting an attack

  • Some TV executives and analysts suggest that online video, tablet computers and wider use of digital-video recorders could be pulling prime-time viewers to other places and times that aren't counted in prime-time usage figures, although many also caution it is too early in the TV season to draw any broad conclusions.

    WSJ: No Longer 'Must-See TV'

  • The latter has been a constant problem since the trial actually began six years ago but was delayed several times, including a number of years while the Prime Minister enjoyed immunity (he served three times: 1994 to 1995, 2001 to 2006 and 2008 to 2011).

    FORBES: Berlusconi Sentenced For Tax Fraud, On Trial For Sex Crimes

  • Mr Miliband used the slogan, created by 19th Century Tory Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, several times during his annual conference speech.

    BBC: Miliband: 'One Nation' speech got under Tories' skin

  • In happier times, the then Prime Minister Harold Wilson told him over lunch that he was to become a member of the Privy Council, despite his relatively junior ministerial position.

    BBC: Right honourable no more: The Privy Council quitters

  • In international news, a bilingual Global Times editorial criticises Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for citing former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's thoughts on the 1982 Falklands War with Argentina when talking about Tokyo's islands dispute with China.

    BBC: China media: Mekong justice

  • In an article in the Times, the Romanian prime minister strikes a more emollient tone, inviting Britons to come and enjoy a "strong pint" in Bucharest's Old Town or a "quiet holiday" in the sleepy Transylvanian villages beloved by Prince Charles.

    BBC: Composite of images from romania

  • Now, like his father and his grandfather before him, the Prime Minister is leading Greece through challenging times.

    WHITEHOUSE: Honoring Greek Independence Day

  • In August 2011, in an article for the Hindustan Times, I urged the prime minister to resign.

    BBC: Manmohan Singh at 80

  • Perhaps Mr Brown could take some comfort in the signs that at least one other prime minister is going through even harder times than him.

    ECONOMIST: Gordon Brown in Israel

  • The deputy prime minister, who has tried several times previously to give up the habit, told Sky News he could not "make bold predictions" about staying the course.

    BBC: Nick Clegg: I've given up 'the ciggies'

  • Meanwhile, the Financial Times says Italy's prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, is fighting to stave off the collapse of his coalition government amid EU demands for concrete economic reforms.

    BBC: Eurozone debt talks dominate papers

  • New presidents, says Hirsch, like to get their dirty work done in the first year or two of their term and then "prime the pump" to produce good times during their reelection campaigns--a view held by most of those who observe the cycle.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Also Wednesday, Yemen's prime minister denied reports in the Yemen Times and The Washington Post that Yemeni investigators had evidence linking the two suspects who died in the attack on the Cole to the 1998 truck bombings of two U.S. embassies in East Africa.

    CNN: cole

  • Its prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad, has at times railed against Zionism.

    ECONOMIST: Malaysia

  • Jay, the last time -- the few times the President has met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, much of the focus was on the Middle East peace process.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Pierluigi Gazzolo, the president of MTV Networks Latin America, said that his channels will show one of the new Switch PSAs once within a three-hour time frame at prime time, or between 50 and 75 times every week.

    FORBES: MTV's Green Crusade

  • Past British prime ministers have travelled to this Capitol building in times of war to talk of war.

    BBC: In full: Brown's speech to Congress

  • That's five times that the UK's deputy prime minister has cleared his diary and hit the streets of Hampshire.

    BBC: Eastleigh by-election: What the result means

  • Speaking on a visit to a factory in Essex ahead of Wednesday's Queen's Speech, the prime minister said many people were having "tough times".

    BBC: David Cameron and Nick Clegg: No let-up in tough decisions

  • But Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan have publicly traded insults several times this year as relations have soured.

    MSN: Iraq stops registering Turkish firms amid row over Hashemi

  • Leading editor of private Times Now TV Arnab Goswami chaired a prime-time show, Newshour, in which he strongly criticised the "cowardly Pakistani soldiers" alleged to have carried out the act.

    BBC: Kashmir incident: Gulf in Indian and Pakistani media

  • The glimmer of good news is that the mercurial prime minister, Antonis Samaras, who has at times rejected the austerity deal with the rest of the euro zone, now seems fully behind it.

    ECONOMIST: The euro and Greece: Postcard from the edge | The

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