Jerry Slusiewicz : There is some negative press out there about ETFs, and in particular about leveraged ETFs.
Officially, the dinner is off the record, and high-powered journalists who complain mightily about access during the week see no contradiction in keeping the working press out.
And then, after they've made their opening statements and remarks, then we'll kick the press out, and everybody will roll up their sleeves and we'll get to work.
Reprints of academic monologues from Oxford University Press put out by Sandpiper Press are as austere as ever.
His son, Prince Charles , let some of his opinions of the press slip out at a press call in 2005.
The Associated Press sent out a NewsAlert at 1:41 p.m. saying that an arrest was imminent.
The book captures the dichotomy of what Press, out of love and pride, accomplished.
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In September the Oxford University Press brought out the first isiZulu-English dictionary in more than 40 years.
An Associated Press report out of Pyongyang said the SIM cards would also allow foreigners to contact foreign embassies in Pyongyang and international hotels.
Oxford University Press rushed out a statement yesterday after getting a number of phone calls from the media about the future of its famed dictionary.
Johnston Press carried out a trial of subscription charges for some of its local titles but abandoned them after the online editions failed to attract readers.
They crush or press juice out of produce in a few minutes, leaving less waste behind than a fast juicer does, and they typically do a better job with tricky ingredients like wheat grass, nuts and leafy greens.
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But it seems quietly confident that the pictures will turn out to be fakes and one of its principal tormentors in the press will turn out to have skewered itself.
Finally today, on Monday night, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association hands out the Golden Globe Awards.
Big trials such as this one are often fought through the press before fizzling out.
Haggis and Press started hanging out with other aspiring writers and directors who were involved with Scientology.
Shania has received a lot of derision in the press for this out-of-the-blue defense of her ex.
This week, the mayor's press office sent out releases with statements of support from one elected official after another.
For example, you periodically put out press releases about PhRMA member pipelines and the impressive number of compounds in clinical development.
When it comes to subjects like climate change and same-sex marriage, the press has been out ahead of the political establishment.
One minute, Goldman is cranking out press releases about its devotion to women entrepreneurs in its philanthropic "10, 000 women" program.
But to the extent, the press can go out to the locations.
CNN: Transcript of court proceedings for CNN v. Michael Brown
In the very press release put out by a Republican congresswoman arguing against the recess appointment, she acknowledged that the Senate was in recess.
The band's managers and staff "ghost-signed" hundreds if not thousands of items on behalf of the band, most often press photos handed out at concerts.
In Welsh Government circles press releases are out, tweeting is in.
They even had the advantage this year of the UC-Davis report having been published in a scientific journal weeks before the EWG press release went out.
It's just that your critics would say that by you know putting out press releases and stuff, that's the wrong approach, you could make things worse.
Activision is holding its annual Comic-Con event on Wednesday July 20 with a full slate of games for press to check out and a special appearance by comic book legend Stan Lee.
Stop sending out press releases.
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