When she faces criticism, the knock is she's too pragmatic as often as too pushy.
We ought to take the same pragmatic approach to debates over monetary policy and broadband policy.
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In public, she appears sensible, pragmatic, occasionally glum-looking, ever careful not to cause offence.
One reason the business elite has not been more enthusiastic about Arroyo may be pragmatic.
Russia and China both demonstrated a "balanced and pragmatic approach" to international crises, he said.
The UK's decision was in part a pragmatic one, Foreign Secretary William Hague told the programme.
But they set our community on a pragmatic path that embraces compassion and human kindness.
Brazil's prospects turn on whether Lula can turn these pragmatic intentions into policy achievements.
It's a pragmatic, problem-solving agenda, and it's not so far from President Clinton's agenda.
Her approach to Russia reflects the pragmatic realism of the Bush team's world view.
Hyperlexia, pragmatic language impairments, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, and auditory processing disorder are associated as well.
Ennahda, which had been widely seen as moderate and pragmatic, is now under unprecedented pressure.
In a best case scenario, electoral realities might keep Herrera moderate and pragmatic for a time.
Labour politicians, meanwhile, however pragmatic, will be worrying more about the effect on voters.
Rather than wait for the U.S. to change, Kallasvuo got pragmatic and led Nokia to change.
Social business and internal Enterprise 2.0 projects require a pragmatic approach for each organization.
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His current behavior betrays the tendency of his nature to overpower his impulse of pragmatic rhetoric.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Daniel Ortega and the ��Bolivarian Revolution��
Solid base hitters, and pragmatic presenters are good for investors because they reduce marketplace risk.
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David Cameron's European idea is of a flexible, pragmatic union that focuses on trade.
The most pragmatic definition of Inside Sales is simple: inside sales is remote sales.
FORBES: What is Inside Sales? The Definition of Inside Sales
The opposition to new rules is not just the pragmatic objection of hunters and sport-shooters.
BBC: President Obama's next campaign - against the gun lobby
As governor, Mr Johnson showed that a non-ideological, pragmatic libertarianism can work as a governing philosophy.
And how do you do it in a way that is accountable, pragmatic and successful?
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That makes it more pragmatic but also less easy to boss about from the centre.
ECONOMIST: Good for Latin American democracy. How good for Brazil?
The evidence suggests that when unionism takes pragmatic and progressive positions, it can indeed prosper.
Yet for all his pre-electoral posturing, there are signs that his pragmatic self may come back.
This is a pragmatic message, especially as labour is no longer as powerful as it was.
It takes a daring pragmatic designer to go all out and fuse fashion successfully with tennis.
Perhaps it is easier to build consensus in a small, close-knit and pragmatic country.
Her advice to single black women is pragmatic: love yourself, communicate better and so on.
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