• Ladders of sunlight pour down onto the patchwork fields and Wasdale suddenly takes on a gentler aspect: the wet fellsides sparkle in the sharp light and Wastwater turns into a smooth sheet of silver, reflecting the surrounding hills.

    BBC: The perfect trip: The Lake District

  • Because of the much larger economy, there would have been no impetus for the federal government to pour billions down the stimulus and bailout sewers.

    FORBES: Watching With Horror As The U.S. Plumbs The Depths Of Austerity

  • Juliet Lyon, director of the Prison Reform Trust, said closing prisons and reducing prison numbers "offers major social and economic gains" but warned it "would be a gigantic mistake if the justice secretary were to revive the discredited idea of titans and pour taxpayers' money down the prison building drain" instead of investing in crime prevention, healthcare and community solutions to crime.

    BBC: Seven prison closures in England announced

  • He dropped his trunk into the dark water, and then raised it to pour gallons and gallons of water down his gullet.

    BBC: Zimbabwe, a side you've never seen

  • It was feared that the lake would pour over the top and burst down the valley but fortunately the river gouged out an escape route along the side of the landblock which acted as a safety valve and limited the damage.

    ECONOMIST: From the archive

  • And after all that, optionally pour a few beer or sugar-laden coke down your mouth.

    FORBES: The Thai Diet: 13 Ways To Stay Thin While Eating All Day

  • When supplies run out, campaigns continue to produce paid ads, causing retailers to pour nearly one out of every two ad dollars down the drain.

    FORBES: Improved Paid Search Ads Spurring Growth In E-Commerce

  • It created so much excitement for gold that not only were people clamoring to come up with more money to pour into gold investments, but housewives were melting down jewelry and family heirlooms to recover their gold content.

    FORBES: Gold Still Glitters

  • But, he says, it has learned not to pour money in unless the government commits to support those projects down the road, with staffing, supplies and repairs.

    NPR: U.S. Forces Seek to Cement Gains in Iraq

  • People pour themselves a glass of wine, draw the curtains and settle down on the sofa.

    ECONOMIST: Who needs it?

  • All he did next was pour in nine of Kentucky's last 20 points and flush down several dunks that kept Louisville (30-10) at arm's length.

    WSJ: Kentucky Defeats Louisville, Advances to NCAA Championship

  • Get them down to 1% ASAP and have the European Commission pour funds into Spain to create free enterprise zones and training programmes to tackle the chronic Spanish youth unemployment that stands at 42%.

    FORBES: Time To Nuke The Euro!

  • "You'd have little packets that had this powder in it, you'd fill up your pitcher of water, you'd dump in the powder, stir it up, let it sit for a little bit, and then you'd have a permanent magnet that draws all the minerals down towards the bottom of the pot, and then you pour off the relatively clean water, " he said.

    BBC: Millions of Bangladeshis are forced to drink unsafe water

  • As sweat poured down my face, neck, arms and legs, everywhere sweat could pour, I gingerly picked my way over the rocks, noting the fat brown millipedes on all the smooth surfaces.

    BBC: Piecing together puzzles in Cambodia

  • When a high school classmate mentioned the wonders of ferrate, Daly (who turned down a bid to medical school at the University of Minnesota) decided to pour part of his fortune into tackling the clean water problem.

    FORBES: Entrepreneurs

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