• Together, Byrd and Rhee intend to apply the new wave of disruptive politics to education.

    FORBES: The Age of Disruption

  • As always, debate ensued around the state of affairs in Africa, and we touched on politics, education, health, AID, trade, AIDS, assembly plants, and tourism.

    WHITEHOUSE: Champions of Change Blog

  • When the victorious Americans arrived, they gave women, at least on paper, equal rights in politics, education and employment, prizes which women in other countries had had to struggle for.

    ECONOMIST: Mumeo Oku

  • The second is the politics of education reform.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • The idea of a Blank Slate has distorted our values in child rearing, sentencing, politics and education, he says, and we have nothing to fear from the idea that we are shaped to some extent by our genes, only a more realistic understanding of what it means to be human.

    BBC: Aventis science prize 2003 - Pinker

  • Since the 1960s, education politics more closely resembles the last turn of a monopoly game than a level playing field.

    FORBES: Education First Principles

  • If the politicians would stop playing politics with higher education, and would create an environment in which quality of provision is the overriding determinant, the current problems would turn into their own solution.

    ECONOMIST: Britain

  • Finally, be sure check out my free email newsletters on Education, Politics, Culture, and Travel.

    FORBES: Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, There Goes American Educational Excellence?

  • Finally, check out my free email newsletters on Education, Politics, Culture, and Travel.

    FORBES: Can Online Tutoring Reverse America's Academic Decline?

  • Also, I now have free email newsletters on Education, Politics, Culture, and Travel.

    FORBES: The $10,000 Diploma

  • We need to know how to function differently across many areas of the system: health, entitlements, pensions, transportation, energy, extraction, education, politics.

    FORBES: Winning in the World of On-Demand Innovation: America and The Open Innovation Market

  • Ghubash said her grandmothers' generation contributed far more to the politics, economy, education and literature of the region than has been recognized.


  • Essaying the gamut of modern pursuits politics, religion, education, drugs, psychoanalysis he finds them all pointless, and his despair is deepened by atrocious documentary footage of dire pollution that he watches at the home of the writer and environmentalist Michel (Henri de Maublanc), whose girlfriend he steals.

    NEWYORKER: The Devil Probably

  • However, methods of dealing with corporate politics are not taught in executive education courses or graduate schools.

    FORBES: Don't Be an Office Stepford Wife

  • They will analyse developments over the past year and their impact on politics, society, culture and education.

    UNESCO: What future for the Arab Spring?

  • He hungered for that sensation again and again, and that is what led him toward education and law and politics -- and out of Possum Hollow.

    CNN: Excerpt: 'The Prince of Tennessee: The Rise of Al Gore'

  • To be sure, there is tremendous work being done to advance women in politics, the corporate world and higher education, too, where I currently work.

    FORBES: Women Politicians And Twitter Train Wrecks

  • Both the Socialists and the right say they would help small businesses, spend more on education, promote women in politics, limit the number of elected and executive posts a politician may hold, control health spending, and make the judiciary more independent.

    ECONOMIST: France

  • He is currently a business of education contributor for Forbes and a politics, culture, and media columnist for The Huffington Post.

    FORBES: James Marshall Crotty - Crotty On Education - Archive

  • They couldn't attack the fact that I was getting things done like building roads and reforming health care and education, so it got to be the politics of personal destruction.

    NPR: Does Arkansas Still Heart Huckabee?

  • He is a former school principal, and until he joined the NLD and entered politics 12 years ago, was head of the West Pathein Education Department.

    CNN: From Our Correspondent: Pathein's Four Just Men

  • Their discussions focused on politics, the economy and development as well as issues related to education, social justice and the sciences, and in this regard more specifically to the importance of sustainable groundwater resources management in averting the impending water crisis.

    UNESCO: The Director-General meets the President of Uruguay

  • "John McCain says he's about change too, and so I guess his whole angle is, 'Watch out George Bush -- except for economic policy, health care policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy and Karl Rove-style politics -- we're really going to shake things up in Washington, ' " he said.

    CNN: McCain, Obama find common ground on national service

  • In my short but eye-opening tenure in politics and government, I have learned that making it happen is about education (the training of volunteers was a big focus for both the White House Initiative and various parts of the Obama 2012 campaign), support (as needed), and monitoring (the work of data collection and taking action on that data to make sure the job is getting done).

    FORBES: What I Learned From Obama: A New Theory of Government

  • The country leads the way in Africa in every way: education, health, the economy, the environment and in elected politics, powered by the force of its women.

    CNN: Amanpour to girls: It's time to power the world

  • The Scots who came to dominate London government, politics, many areas of business and also media were from a generation who left education in the 1980s, looked around, saw little opportunity, and got out.

    BBC: Is London good or bad for Scotland?

  • And that's what the John Birch Society was devoted to: education and political action so that their people would get involved in local politics so the right people and the correct people would get elected to the school board, which was very important in deciding what kinds of books students would be reading in public schools.

    NPR: Glenn Beck: Drawing On 1950s Extremism?

  • We know that when a woman can plan the size of her family, she is healthier, more likely to finish her education, join the labor force, become more economically productive and engage in politics, thus more effectively shaping the future of her family and her country.

    CNN: The elephant in the room at Rio summit

  • In another country you could flee easy categorisation by your education, your work, your class, your family, your accent, your politics.

    ECONOMIST: Being foreign

  • As he did when he ran for governor, Bush has concentrated his campaign on a few key issues: tax cuts, education, partial privatization of Social Security, boosting the military, restoring civility to politics -- and returning "honor and dignity" to a White House his partisans see as having been defiled by President Clinton's affair with a former intern, among other GOP complaints.

    CNN: Victory restores Bush dynasty to Washington

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