• Just a taster of those who have advised Obama on foreign policy should supply an adequate flavor.


  • Two years later, Ryan went to work as a speechwriter and policy analyst for Jack Kemp, who led Empower America, an organization then in the vanguard of making policy for supply-side conservatives who were pushing Republicans rightward in their views on taxes and the size of government.

    NEWYORKER: Fussbudget

  • But higher prices on certain items due to supply disruptions or bad policy have nothing to with money supply.

    FORBES: Inflation Fears and Facts

  • Signorelli held the same title at the defunct Polyconomics, a similar policy focused, supply-side research firm started by former Ronald Reagan economic adviser Jude Wanniski.

    FORBES: Possible Political Fallout From European Elections - Analyst

  • That may just be the natural volatility of commodities, stemming from regional drought, short-lived supply disruptions, silly policy or myriad other factors not related to money supply.

    FORBES: Top 3 Stories of 2013?

  • He said the Green Investment Bank had been "hobbled" by its inability to borrow and called for energy efficiency to be given "equal value" to energy supply in policy-making.

    BBC: UK Politics

  • The American people are abandoning leftist socialist domestic policy formulations in favor of supply side Reaganomics.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Empowering Israelis to express themselves

  • Any sign of a quickening economic setting triggers a reversal in FRB policy emphasis towards restricting money supply.

    FORBES: Let 'Em Beat Up On Banks

  • It's controversial because many libertarian supply-siders would dispute the notion that supply-side policy and government spending can ever coexist.

    FORBES: America's Dead Wealth Problem

  • For example, California's Stanford Graduate School of Business has just held a major conference on another key part of environmental policy for businesses -- supply chain management.

    CNN: Bridging commerce and research

  • It is yet to be seen whether a new breed of Young Turks have it within themselves to take up the Reagan-Mundell manifesto and devise practical supply-side policy solutions for the 21st century.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Recent declines in output in both Japan and Germany are largely due to inadequate demand caused by overly tight monetary policy, and not to supply-side constraints imposed by the failings of their models.

    ECONOMIST: Glittering economic prizes

  • Raises novel legal or policy issues adversely affecting the supply, distribution or use of energy arising out of legal mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in Executive Order Nos 12866 and 1321l.

    WHITEHOUSE: Memoranda 01-27 (Guidance for Implementing E.O. 13211)

  • Call it progressive supply-side policy.

    FORBES: Mike Konczal on Public Education and Public Options

  • The market is pegging 30-year inflation at a slightly higher 2.0 percent rate, which is the spread between long-term 30-year Treasury nominal bonds and 30-year TIPS. Federal Reserve policy to increase the money supply has not led to inflation during this recovery because the demand for money has been lower than in other recoveries when inflation did occur.

    FORBES: Portfolio Solutions' 30-Year Market Forecast for Investment Planning (2013 edition)

  • They will go for lowering interest rates if the policy does not increase the money supply.

    FORBES: Keynes vs. Friedman at the Fed

  • Bradley and Gore oppose a longtime tenet of Democratic farm policy: controlling production to balance supply with demand.


  • Details of that plan are still evolving, said Jonathan Gold, vice president of supply chain and customs policy at the National Retail Federation, a U.S. trade group.

    WSJ: Wal-Mart Announces Own Bangladesh Safety Plan

  • We continue to believe that the United States -- it is not the right policy for the United States to supply arms or other forms of lethal assistance.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • "Without policy efforts to unlock the tightening supply constraints and bring enduring improvements in productivity and competitiveness, growth could weaken even further and inflationary strains could re-emerge, " it warned.

    BBC: India cuts interest rates for third time this year

  • Going back to President Jimmy Carter through President Bill Clinton and now President George W. Bush, the country has no coherent energy policy that deals with both the supply side and the demand side.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The government commissioned Kate Barker, a member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee, to look at supply principally because it is worried about public-service workers in the southeast, such as teachers and nurses, whose ranks Mr Brown aims to increase.

    ECONOMIST: Concrete is coming to a building site near you

  • Rejigger America's tax, regulatory, immigration and monetary policy to meet the goal of creating supply.

    FORBES: Digital Rules

  • The money supply is useful as a policy target only if there is a stable link between money and inflation.

    ECONOMIST: Euro Towers or Fawlty Towers? | The

  • Romer is something of a supply-sider on fiscal policy.

    FORBES: Obama Vs. Congress

  • ChartObject Federal Funds Target RateAccording to Investopedia, quantitative easing is a government monetary policy occasionally used to increase the money supply by buying securities, such as U.S. Treasury Bonds, in the open market.

    FORBES: Hope That Gunslinger Bernanke's Trigger Finger Is Slow On The Draw

  • The chief advantage is that this outlaws any national discretion in the conduct of monetary policy: interest rates and the money supply adjust automatically to changes in economic circumstances, with the exchange rate totally fixed.

    ECONOMIST: No more peso?

  • Armed with the facts, the best policy toward helium is to recognize the supply issue as temporary and support all industry uses of helium, whether it's to provide a life-saving medical procedure, a job or a symbol of joy and celebration.

    CNN: Don't deflate the party

  • Contributions were drawn from the fields of hydrological sciences, freshwater policy, international basin management and operational water supply.

    UNESCO: World Water Congress takes place in Edinburgh

  • The Bank of Japan said its policy overhaul is intended to double the money supply and achieve a 2 percent inflation target in about two years.

    NPR: US Futures Shave Gains After Jobless Claims Data

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