• Ordinary and commonplace technologies have been made illegal by default without any serious policy consideration.

    CNN: Unlocking your cell phone is no crime

  • The company might be generating cash flow but many investors like to see management pay this cash to shareholders and many investors take the dividend policy into consideration before buying stocks, especially in consumer related sectors.

    FORBES: Cash Is Truth, Truth Is Cash

  • Consideration of policy should be "informed by a thorough understanding of the global situation and possible alternative policies", it said.

    BBC: A syringe and heroin on a spoon

  • But the radiation deaths will likely be a number so small, compared with the tsunami deaths, that they should not be a central consideration in policy decisions.

    WSJ: The Panic Over Fukushima

  • And today, as you know, I believe, the G7 ministers and governors reviewed developments in the global economy and financial markets, and the policy response currently under consideration, including progress towards financial and fiscal union in Europe.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Taking this into consideration, the Tax Policy Center predicts that in spite of the renewed PEASE limitation, charitable giving is expected to increase by 3.3 billion in 2013 over what it would have been had the 2012 tax law been extended in its entirety, with the increase largely attributable to the additional tax benefit received by taxpayers in the 39.6% tax bracket.

    FORBES: If The New Limitation On Itemized Deductions Has You Planning To Reduce Your Charitable Contributions, You're Making A Mistake

  • These agreements also highlight the need for policy makers to take these issues into consideration at both national and international level, and emphasize the need for promotion of intercultural dialogue.


  • And we should give careful and responsible consideration to their reasonable and supportive policy recommendations.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Let us embrace our friends

  • Might this row prompt a wider re consideration of America's drugs policy?

    ECONOMIST: Drugs in the Americas

  • The Center for Security Policy expects that these debates can and must serve as a long-overdue focus for national consideration of the direction of U.S. foreign and defense policy in the post-Cold War World.


  • The Center for Security Policy expects that these debates can -- and must -- serve as a long-overdue focus for national consideration of the direction of U.S. foreign and defense policy in the post-Cold War World.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • In other words, effective policy to promote employment growth must include a central consideration for startup firms.

    FORBES: Want More Jobs? Then, We Need More Startups

  • IR-- You are right to argue for human rights to be a consideration in setting western countries' foreign policy.

    ECONOMIST: Rights and wrongs

  • Consideration of the "do no harm" policy should guide future Obama decisions about Pakistan and Iran where the wrong choices will help empower militants.

    CNN: Commentary: How Obama should run war on terror

  • In addition, OSTP has crafted a draft policy that would apply to its activities and is under consideration for adoption by the Council on Environmental Quality.

    WHITEHOUSE: Office of Science and Technology Policy Blog

  • After the 2008 election, Brennan was touted as a shoo-in for CIA director, but attacks from critics who claimed he supported the Bush administration's policy of harsh interrogations prompted him to drop out of consideration for the job.

    CNN: Obama taps Brennan as CIA director

  • As the Center was denied an opportunity to present this position to Senator Biden's subcommittee at today's hearing, the powerful arguments in favor of a sea-change in U.S. policy toward a nuclear Ukraine may not be given due consideration.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Gender mainstreaming is the deliberate consideration of gender in all stages of program and policy planning, implementation and evaluation, with a view to incorporate the impacts of gender at all levels of decision making.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • The antidumping statute prohibits consideration of the impact of prospective duties on downstream industries or on the economy as a whole, yet policymakers having been steamrolled by the pro-antidumping lobby have given scant consideration to the idea that this is plainly stupid policy, particularly in a globally integrated economy characterized by transnational supply chains and cross-border investment.

    FORBES: President's Fealty To Antidumping Lobby Kills Jobs And Depresses Growth

  • If the ownership of a life insurance policy is transferred to another party before death for cash or other consideration (like a business interest), the proceeds paid to the beneficiary may be considered taxable income to that beneficiary.

    FORBES: Taxes From A To Z (2013): L Is For Life Insurance

  • The commission said a number of areas had been flagged up for further consideration, including whether issues including broadcasting, firearms, energy policy and the misuse of drugs should be overseen by Westminster or Holyrood.

    BBC: Full Scots fiscal power ruled out

  • The minister said that as a reserved matter UK policy did not take "Scotland's social or economic needs in to consideration".

    BBC: Members' business: Migrants' rights day

  • But if the Parliament insists on pushing through a policy forged in the heat of an election campaign rather than out of the calm consideration and consultation that the Parliament's committee structure is supposed to encourage, ministers in London will have to accept the anomaly or grudgingly follow suit.

    ECONOMIST: Tuition fees

  • Whether such a policy materially advances the cause of non-proliferation appears, frankly, to be a secondary consideration.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Vive La France! French Determination To Perform Necessary Nuclear Testing Should Be Wake-Up Call To US

  • This follows the 2009 DCMS World Heritage Policy Review Consultation and the announcement in February 2010 that the UK would be putting forward fewer sites for consideration by UNESCO for World Heritage status.

    UNESCO: Next step in finding new UK World Heritage sites announced

  • In 2010, Z Street filed a lawsuit in federal court against the IRS. According to court documents, the suit was filed after Z Street was informed by an IRS spokesperson that consideration of its application was being delayed, and could be denied because the IRS has a special policy for dealing with nonprofit applications submitted by groups related to Israel.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama and the ��Official Truth��

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