At the Pol Pot reservoir, Sopheng was silent, staring at the water and the horizon beyond.
Pol Pot, once known as Brother Number One, died in a jungle hideout in 1998.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | CAMBODIA: Will Justice Ever be Served?
Their notorious leader, Pol Pot, was wheeled before a show trial in July, and locked up.
Son Sen, Pol Pot's defense minister, was supposedly murdered on Pol Pot's order in June 1997.
You will never see a document signed by Pol Pot ordering someone to be killed.
Nor does a show trial of Pol Pot in Anlong Veng satisfy international notions of justice.
Among the documents are startling confessions signed by former Pol Pot cadres, individually admitting to hundreds of murders.
Thus Cambodian conspiracy theorists believe Pol Pot was given "bad water" -- poison.
The Thais deny all this, particularly having anything to do with Pol Pot.
Senior Thai officials, however, insist forensic examination of samples taken from Pol Pot's body shows no indication of foul play.
The Cambodian government is now awaiting a United Nations report on whether enough evidence exists to put Pol Pot's lieutenants on trial.
Vann Nath does not feel vengeance in his heart, even though he lost two young sons to starvation during the Pol Pot years.
Pol Pot, the supreme leader, died in mysterious circumstances in 1998.
ECONOMIST: Justice is slow to catch up with the former Khmers Rouges
Pol Pot's rule came to an end in 1979 after Vietnam invaded Cambodia and installed a pro-Hanoi administration (which included current Second Prime Minister Hun Sen).
In a bitterly ironic twist, many foreign observers argue that Cambodia is still incapable of mounting a properly constituted local tribunal for Pol Pot's surviving Khmer Rouge lieutenants.
Two years ago, the king, under pressure from the Cambodian government, pardoned Ieng Sary, who had once been Pol Pot's foreign minister, but had more recently become a useful go-between in arranging defections.
Considering that Pol Pot was about 73 and had a history of ill health -- in recent years, he suffered a minor stroke and had cardiac problems -- a heart failure is perfectly feasible.