• Cashman reached out to the two-time All Star to plant the seed and gauge Lee's thoughts and didn't rule out Lee joining the team.

    WSJ: Old? Retired? Yankees Are Interested

  • Most information was then available free of charge on CNBC, the Weather Channel or Web sites run by Farm Journal and Pioneer, a seed and plant genetics division of DuPont.

    FORBES: Third time's a charm for this little data provider. Or is it?

  • If I can plant that seed, and help people become more mindful, my job is done.

    FORBES: Want to Improve Your Life? Try an Annual Shopping Embargo

  • And when you plant the seed of confidence in American businesses to invest in more American workers, then we can once again say that we will make it in America.

    WHITEHOUSE: Representative Becerra Backs American Jobs Act

  • Indeed, tasting one of the "mind-changing" South American wines in our story "Making a Case for South America" might even plant the seed for a visit to Argentina and Chile.

    FORBES: New Horizons

  • Although the plant springing forth from that seed is healthy and can go about its business of producing grain, say, quite normally, the grain that it produces will not grow if planted, because the activated terminator gene has killed off the seed's reproductive bits.

    ECONOMIST: Terminator genes

  • It starts with the plant breeders who develop new crop varieties and extends through seed production, farmers who cultivate the crops, grain handlers, transporters and processors, and finally to marketers and retailers.

    FORBES: Precaution Without Principle

  • That world of us vs. them was swept away in 1989, but Albright still aspires to Marshall's "magic and very American approach, " eager "to plant the seed" of democracy as he did.

    CNN: Blunt But Flexible

  • But sadly the people found that Barry had lied to them, and Ben had wasted all of their seed so they had nothing to plant.

    FORBES: Barry's Fairyland at Foggy Bottom

  • So when I heard about a company that is using artificial intelligence, data scraping, and database calculations as a means to predict what seed varieties a farmer should plant to get the maximum yield from their exact plot of ground, my mind immediately started to ponder how this could be applied to marketers.

    FORBES: Planting The Right Seed: What A Farmer Can Teach A Marketer

  • My analogy to put that in perspective is to me an idea is like a seed, and execution is the daily watering, tending and pruning of that plant.

    FORBES: Kabam Co-Founder Holly Liu Talks Early Startup Failures

  • The head of the Institute's Genetics and Plant Breeding department, Jawahar Ram Sharma, said his team had genetically converted the poppy seed, which has naturally occurring narcotic properties, into a new, non-narcotic variety.

    BBC: Addictive-free poppy seed developed

  • So the news that, last month, a group of American and Russian researchers received a patent for an apomictic maize plant has probably caused a few flutters in seed-company boardrooms.

    ECONOMIST: Genetic engineering

  • However, poor farmers frequently cannot afford to buy new seed each season, so they take their chances and replant the best of their seed from year to year in the belief that a new plant that is not quite as good as its parent is better than no plant at all.

    ECONOMIST: Terminator genes

  • And if we use their biomass directly and not just the seed - all we use are the seed of the corn - we use their biomass directly to make energy and to run the plant that makes the energy, we can have biofuels that are immensely better, that can give us 80 or 90 percent reductions in greenhouse gases compared to gasoline.

    NPR: Biofuels and Food Prices

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