• International Alert, a London-based peace research group, tried the same for Sierra Leone in the mid-1990s.

    ECONOMIST: Sins of the secular missionaries | The

  • According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, UK defence spending was 2.5% of GDP in 2008.

    BBC: Fox refuses to commit to defence spending at 2% of GDP

  • Today, Chile's is the most modern and best-equipped army in Latin America, says Armen Kouyoumdjian, an adviser to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

    ECONOMIST: Chile

  • The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which monitors arms sales in the region, says the shipment undermines Kenya's position as a sponsor of an arms-trade treaty for Sudan.

    ECONOMIST: Kenya and Sudan

  • It undertakes staff development and training programmes in peace pedagogy and peace research methods at partner universities and is working to lead the establishment of the first ever African Peace University.

    UNESCO: Purpose/Objectives of the Chair

  • He notes that, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, South Korea's military spending in 2010 exceeded that of Australia and Canada, which are better known for their military outreach.

    ECONOMIST: America and South Korea

  • Meanwhile, Syria's arms imports have increased almost six times from 2007 to 2011 compared with the previous five years, largely from Russia, according to a report published Monday by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

    CNN: Syrian rebels move in on key Damascus neighborhood

  • Polling data from the Givat Haviva Institute for Peace Research suggest that fully 71 percent of Israel's 1.1 million Arab citizens now identify themselves primarily as "Palestinians, " as opposed to 38 percent only four years ago.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Between 2003 and 2008 the Georg Eckert Institute worked with the Peace Research Institute in the Middle East to produce a joint textbook of recent Israeli and Palestinian history that could be used by schools on both sides.

    ECONOMIST: Textbooks round the world

  • According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the country was the world's 17th largest arms explorer in the period between 2004 and 2008, while over the decade 2000-2009 its military spending increased in real terms by 40 percent.

    CNN: South Africa's booming defense industry

  • The director of the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo, Stein Toennesson, said he was happy on behalf of Mr Yunus, but argued that it was unfortunate the prize this year had not gone to the people behind the peace deal in Indonesia's Aceh province.

    BBC: Muhammad Yunus, hugged by his daughter, Dina

  • The foreign ministry also stressed that China's arms exports abide by legal norms and pose no threat to global peace and stability in response to a report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute on China replacing Britain as the world's fifth-largest arms exporter, says Beijing Times.

    BBC: China media: Japan radar lock

  • The Institute also aims to engage citizens in diplomacy and to encourage them to participate in building peace through research, practice and public engagement.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • Lederach says research shows that creating peace builders from within a community is far more effective than bringing them in from the outside.

    FORBES: Oscar Winner Forest Whitaker's New Role: Fighting For Africa's Child Soldiers

  • Launched in 1992, the PEACE interuniversity network aims to improve the efficiency and relevance of teaching and research at Palestinian universities and improve institutional and staff development.


  • Organized by the UNESCO Office in Bangkok in cooperation with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the Eubios Ethics Institute and the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, the event will start with a Youth Conference for Peace based on a Model United Nations (MUN) conference.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • Research has repeatedly shown that money correlates very weakly with things like job satisfaction, productivity and peace of mind.

    FORBES: Is Google Simply Wasting Its Money?

  • The purpose of the UNESCO Chair is to promote an integrated system of research, education, training, capacity building, information and documentation in the field of African peace and conflict studies.

    UNESCO: Purpose/Objectives of the Chair/UNITWIN Network

  • As the Middle East Media Research Institute chronicled in a report on the proceedings, Assad successfully abrogated the so-called Saudi peace plan that the Arab League adopted in 2002.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Iran's Western enablers

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