• On 11 January 2011, as MPs debated the legislation at committee stage, Mr Connarty claimed that the leadership of the Conservative Party had "cloaked itself in Euroscepticism" by vowing before the general election to repatriate powers from EU institutions and to enshrine the sovereignty of Parliament over the EU in legislation.

    BBC: European Union Bill part two

  • He suggested that Conservative Members of the European Parliament were in favour of the EU package.

    BBC: UK Politics

  • The committee has collated the EU priorities of the committees of the Parliament as envisaged by the Scottish Parliament's EU Strategy.

    BBC: EU priorities 2012 debate

  • But the parliament is the weakest of the big three EU institutions.

    BBC: Multi-speed Europe edges forward with bank decision

  • As with past eurozone bailouts, the deal must be approved by the lower house of parliament in Germany, the EU's biggest economy.

    BBC: Cyprus bailout: Parliament postpones debate

  • The hackers dug up and published the phone numbers of every EU Parliament member, then convinced the copyright-flouting Swedish download site the Pirate Bay to post a link on its home page, which received 20 million monthly visitors.

    FORBES: Technology

  • The European Parliament has voted for sweeping reforms of the controversial EU Common Fisheries Policy.

    BBC: Euro MPs back large-scale fishing reform to save stocks

  • The Law Society of Scotland has noted that while the imposition of a minimum price of alcohol is a devolved matter within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament, compatibility with EU Duty Directives must be taken into account.

    BBC: Health Committee

  • MEPs debated the budgetary priorities for the rest of the EU institutions, including the Parliament's own budget, during the February plenary session.

    BBC: MEPs adopt EU budget guidelines for 2013

  • Alongside the unnecessary and intrusive charter of fundamental rights and the mad idea of giving the undeserving European Parliament more powers, Lisbon improves the EU's voting system, partly sorts out a muddled foreign-policy structure and creates a permanent presidency of the European Council in place of the present six-month, rotating one.

    ECONOMIST: The European Union after Ireland's vote

  • Over the weekend, parliament passed a package of austerity measures demanded by the EU with the aim of balancing the budget by 2014.

    BBC: Italy crisis: Debt cost puts pressure on Mario Monti

  • If Lisbon comes into force, the parliament will be the equal of the council in almost all EU legislation, gaining new rights over, for example, farm subsidies, fisheries, asylum and immigration.

    ECONOMIST: The EU after the Irish vote

  • Today's decision by the European Parliament to reject the deal which cut the size of the EU Budget will convince them that a confrontation with Brussels cannot wait.

    BBC: Brewery joke highlights Tory nerves

  • The MEP in charge of stewarding the legislation through Parliament, Romanian Social Democrat Silvia Ticau, said the cost of road accidents in the EU is about 1% of GDP.

    BBC: Road safety debate

  • He pledged to block any further "transfer of sovereignty or powers" to the EU over the course of this Parliament, promising to be more "robust" than Labour in defending Britain's national interest.

    BBC: Hague criticises Labour's legacy on EU

  • The breakthrough in talks between the European parliament and Ireland, which negotiates on behalf of EU member states, paves the way to enact the so-called Basel III capital rules, an internationally agreed blueprint for avoiding another banking crisis.

    CNN: EU secures deal to cap bankers' bonuses

  • He promised to give the parliament a stronger voice in the EU's law-making procedure, receiving warm applause from much of the parliament.

    BBC: Democracy Live site links

  • In a speech in the European Parliament, he seized the opportunity of the prospects of a referendum on EU membership.

    BBC: PM urged to think again over EU referendum plan

  • Recently, the European Commission told the European Parliament it wants EU-wide exchange of all types of income data as part of the fight against tax evasion.

    BBC: Andorra to introduce income tax for first time

  • Lib Dem deputy leader Simon Hughes denied any rift between his party and the Conservatives, saying there was no possibility of a renegotiation with the EU during this parliament.

    BBC: Osborne says EU treaty veto helps protect UK interests

  • Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt was leading the debate in the European Parliament on 16 December 2009 looking back over Sweden's presidency of the EU, before Spain takes over in January 2010.

    BBC: Debate on Swedish Presidency

  • The Belgian former PM also re-iterated parliament's demands to open deeper talks on future funding of the EU through so-called "own resources" rather than national contributions.

    BBC: MEPs attack UK government on EU budget crisis

  • The report by Ms Pietikainen said women's representation in the European Parliament had risen to 35% and in the EU Commission the representation of women "is stagnating at one-third".

    BBC: Euro MPs back quotas to get more women into top jobs

  • The Commission will present its paper on cybercrime to the Council of Ministers of the European Union (EU) and to the European Parliament.

    CNN: EU unveils plan to fight cybercrime

  • And join me as I clamber aboard the train for Strasbourg - the town in eastern France that the entire Parliament decamps to from Brussels each month, in one of those rituals critics of the EU, and, to be fair, the majority of MEPs, love to criticise so much.

    BBC: My week as an MEP - My aims

  • Depending on the issue, power in Europe is spread unevenly between national capitals and Brussels and, within the EU, between the commission, the Council of Ministers and the parliament.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • The EU commissioner of Justice, Viviane Reding is pressing for the European Parliament to establish "right to be forgotten" legislation that would establish strict rules for how private companies use our data.

    CNN: Opinion: In the digital age, everyone is becoming a spook

  • The Budgets Committee has recommended that the administrative budget - covering the Parliament's internal costs - should not exceed the EU-wide inflation rate of 1.9%, which means a real terms freeze.

    BBC: Budget debate

  • The commission hopes that EU governments and the European Parliament will adopt its proposals by the end of the year.

    ECONOMIST: Plans for common supervision could easily turn messy

  • In 2007, Scotland's deputy first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, told a Scottish Parliament committee that an independent Scotland's membership of the EU would be "automatic".

    BBC: Scottish independence: Scotland and EU membership

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