• The simple therapy has proven useful with other syndromes that have perplexed doctors such as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, a term for unexplained pain.

    BBC: What phantom limbs and mirrors teach us about the brain

  • To get to your question, the antidepressant potential of ketamine was discovered serendipitously in patients receiving the drug for the treatment of complex regional pain syndrome, or CRPS, a miserable condition characterized by severe pain, swelling and changes in the skin.

    CNN: Is it safe to use ketamine as a pain drug?

  • Always worth noting: Placebos may have a big impact against irritable bowel syndrome and pain.

    FORBES: Nothing. Is It What Medicine's Missing?

  • For example, Frances said DSM-5 would mislabel one in four people with chronic pain and irritable bowel syndrome with the DSM-5's newly created "somatic symptom disorder, " which is diagnosed when a person has spent at least six months steadily thinking of and being anxious about their medical illness.

    CNN: Are we over-diagnosing mental illness?

  • People with nonspecific-type thoracic outlet syndrome have chronic pain in the area of the thoracic outlet that worsens with activity, but the specific cause of the pain can't be determined.

    CNN: Thoracic outlet syndrome

  • The reality is that for many illnesses, including not only pain but also minor depression, irritable bowel syndrome, or nausea, the placebos given to patients in clinical trials are pretty fantastic treatments that anybody would choose to take in a heartbeat.

    FORBES: How The Placebo Effect Will Help Allergan Sell Botox

  • The Swiss firm heralded it as a breakthrough for millions of people with stomach pain, indigestion and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

    FORBES: Crisis in the Cabinet

  • More patients in the Xeloda and Tykerb group had dose reductions, diarrhea, vomiting and a condition called hand-foot syndrome which is redness, swelling and pain on the hands or feet.

    WSJ: Roche Breast-Cancer Treatment Advances

  • Pain in her right hand was diagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis.

    NPR: Dena DeRose On Piano Jazz

  • Bextra causes Stevens-Johnson Syndrome more often than Celebrex, a similar Pfizer pain drug, and Pfizer has been in discussions with the Food and Drug Administration about how to include the risk in the drug's label.

    FORBES: Pfizer Says FDA Warning Likely For Bextra

  • But in order for that to happen, Novartis has to convince gun-shy doctors that the drug is safe, and convince patients that abdominal pain and bloating are caused by a treatable ailment called irritable bowel syndrome.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The researchers reported they found the retrovirus XMRV in a majority of 101 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, a debilitating condition that involves cognitive dysfunction and severe pain.

    WSJ: Chronic-Fatigue Paper Called Into Question

  • It could catapult past the billion-dollar mark by the aiding millions of people with the indigestion, constipation, stomach pain and other severe symptoms known by the catchall term "irritable bowel syndrome" (ibs).

    FORBES: Reviving Novartis

  • In addition, these constituents are well recognized as being effective pain killers and may also be able to ameliorate symptoms of the cachexia (wasting syndrome) that accompanies advanced cancers.

    FORBES: What's the Potential of Nuvilex's Medicinal Marijuana Business?

  • Two weeks later she developed joint pain and blisters on her chest and arms, a condition known as Stevens-Johnson syndrome, which can be caused by an allergic reaction to antibiotics.

    CNN: More is not always better in medicine

  • This is a medicine to prevent heart attacks and strokes in patients who suffer acute coronary syndrome, the condition that occurs after a heart attack or serious heart-related chest pain.

    FORBES: Can Pascal Soriot Turn Around AstraZeneca? It May Come Down To One Drug

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