• The first set of experiments on 20 people developed signatures for pain versus the anticipation of it or mild warmth on the arm.

    WSJ: Doctors use brain scans to 'see' and measure pain

  • And cynics noted a lack of warmth or specifics in her praise of her young rival.

    ECONOMIST: Barack Obama struggled this week to unite his party

  • The Utopia proved to be a bland and soulless set of blocks organised in myriad sectors, lacking any kind of human warmth or naturalness.

    BBC: Mount Ainslie

  • The festival links yin and yang, the qualities of light and dark or cold and warmth (among others) to the waxing and waning of the sun's light.

    MSN: The crazy ways we mark winter solstice �� shortest day of year

  • As it was for me and the country a decade ago, we can choose to embrace life and bask in its warmth, or pull apart and fragment.

    FORBES: Birth, Death and 9/11

  • Or Qwest could huddle for warmth with BellSouth (nyse: BLS - news - people ), another Baby Bell that's been left out in the cold.

    FORBES: Telling Telecom Tales

  • In his first film as a director, Noam Murro creates moments of strained or comic disconnection relieved by minuscule surges of warmth.

    NEWYORKER: Smart People

  • After the warmth of seeing them reunited (or semi-reunited, given how rarely more than one or two are featured in a scene together), there's a sort of awkwardness to it, as if nobody really has much to say.

    CNN: 'Arrested Development': What the critics are saying

  • Or, as he might put it, the warmth of a loving heart.

    CNN: From Ports to Portals

  • This is a time when temperatures are held to have been as high as or higher than today's a warmth associated with the Norse settlement of Greenland and vineyards in England.

    ECONOMIST: The science of climate change

  • The report also says that the composition of the world's forests is likely to change because some tree species will not be able to move northwards (or to higher altitudes) to escape the encroaching warmth.

    BBC: Climate change warning

  • Optimists make a plausible case that Prince William will thrive if he embodies his mother's impatience with protocol and empathy with suffering, and learns from the middle-class warmth of Miss Middleton's childhood, or the rise of her mother's family from poverty only two generations ago.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • Or am I mistaken in thinking that cockroaches are attracted to art galleries for the warmth rather than the pictures?

    WSJ: Book Review: The Age of Insight

  • Throughout his career, the work of singer-songwriter Eric Bachmann hasn't exactly radiated warmth, whether he was unfurling surly screeds as lead singer of Archers of Loaf or re-creating himself as a crooning indie-rock Neil Diamond with Crooked Fingers.

    NPR: Touring the World, but Always Lost

  • Whether that is a long way off or not, the creators have certainly stumbled on one of the web's key missing ingredients warmth.


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