• So, the PGP source code was only available in a 43-volume, 65, 000-page set of books sold in a Palo Alto bookstore called Printer's Ink.

    CNN: Technology - Security flaw discovered in Network Associates PGP software

  • Sun's OpenOffice.org project should be ready by October and will not only give users access to open-source code but will also provide filters to allow Sun customers to use Microsoft's rival products.

    CNN: Big names plan to pre-install Sun's StarOffice

  • That really, although the authorities began to brag quite early that they quote, "track down the evil malicious person behind it", really probably only took them five to ten seconds to do that because within the source code that individual gave his email address, his webpage, the country he lived in, the town he lived in, and the name of himself and all of his friends.


  • The risk of targeted cyberespionage attacks aimed at stealing patents, source code or other highly specific data means that market share is only part of the equation.

    FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

  • When we went into deliberation in the jury room we not only had all the physical evidence of everything that was presented, but we also had sealed source code in its entirety from both sides, we actually had the memos that were talked about in the trial... and there was a piece of evidence after a piece of evidence that just clearly stacked up.

    BBC: Apple versus Samsung: Jury foreman justifies $1bn verdict

  • It was only in the 1970s, as computing spread, that firms such as Microsoft started to withhold the source code, making software truly private.

    ECONOMIST: Computer programming

  • So similar were the tasks of his upcoming job that he thought he would not only clear his desk at Goldman of his family photos, but also take some of the source computer code with him.

    FORBES: Goldman's Boardroom Meetings -- Less Proprietary Than Computer Code?

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