• For instance, as I previously wrote, many companies treat social media as a broadcast medium, when social media should be a mechanism for one-to-one and many-to-many conversations with customers, employees, investors, and other key stakeholders.

    FORBES: Bubble Deflated, Social Media Will Now Change the World

  • Cloud will evolve from a one-to-one relationship between end-user and cloud provider to a one-to-many, flourishing ecosystem comprised of cloud insurers, such as CloudInsure, broker services, and other intermediaries enabling organizations to enjoy the financial and operational benefits of federated cloud formations.

    FORBES: CloudNOW unveils its 2013 cloud computing predictions

  • "I think speed cameras locally, nationally and internationally, have shown that they're one measure - one of many measures - that can be used to regulate speed, " he said.

    BBC: Council ends speed camera funding

  • There are many channels, there are many opportunities for the public to hear the President speak, to watch this debate -- one of many -- and we'll let that sort itself out.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • When something has your organization stumped or you just want the opinion of a broader group, social apps with their ability to engage on a one-on-one, one-to-many or many-to-many basis can leverage your organizations collective intelligence quickly and effectively.

    FORBES: Email Is Down, and It's Not Just Sandy's Fault

  • Values like these are developed person-by-person ideally, face-to-face not through one-to-many, short-attention-span bursts of misspelled sentence fragments.

    FORBES: The Social Media Fallacy: Real Leadership Means Face-to-Face, Not Facebook

  • Technology-tricked-out humanoids move their words of their mouths at light-speed, one-to-many and many-to-many in ways the world has not known until recently.

    FORBES: Remarketability: How To Make Your Brand Contagious

  • When I last interviewed Bubble Motion CEO, Tom Clayton in October 2011, he told me that he knew about Twitter early on and noticed that its one-to-many model was much more scalable.

    FORBES: Singapore's Bubble Motion To Use Japanese Capital to Open U.S. Market

  • Merle Fallon, a 62-year-old attorney and Vietnam veteran -- one of many ex-servicemen in the crowd -- professes admiration for McCain and Palin and believes the election race is far from decided.

    CNN: Palin draws Democrats with rallying cry

  • Shapiro does not dignify the so-called authorship question by spending pages dismantling its points one by one--many others have already done that--but surprisingly he does treat many of its proponents with a certain degree of respect, putting their views in cultural contexts that explain, if hardly justify, why they've spent so much time, energy and resources on their claims.


  • Babysitting coops transform childcare from a one-to-one transaction to a many-to-many transaction, making it easy for families to find and coordinate the highest-quality care.

    WHITEHOUSE: Improving Childcare Services

  • And this isn't a one off - many other manufacturers are coming home.

    BBC: Is 'Made in the USA' coming back?

  • Shahar Maor, an information-technology analyst at Israeli market research firm STKI, estimated that compared with large companies associated with defense or critical infrastructure, lower tier Israeli companies hire one-fifth as many information-security employees relative to computer users.

    WSJ: Israel's Businesses Losing the Cyber War

  • Whatever your aims, investments are only one component--in many cases a relatively small one--in meeting your goals.

    FORBES: Watch Your Assets

  • Certainly the most appealing feature for me was the grappling hook and rope combo -- one of many features cloned from Liero -- which allowed for humiliating, Tarzan-like, bombing raids against unsuspecting brothers and sisters.

    CNN: Technology - Open-source, networkable shooter has Linux gamers buzzing

  • Michael Birch, the co-founder of Bebo -- a social networking site with 27m users which claims to have overtaking MySpace in the UK -- is just one of many start-up gurus who might not sell anytime soon.

    CNN: Social networking fuels new Web boom

  • Her visit -- one of many she has made in recent months -- has been overshadowed by a police investigation into Olmert, who was questioned by police Friday.

    CNN: Rice: Mideast peace deal possible by end of year

  • It was a rock star moment--one of many at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, a 40, 000-person medical show where many of biotechs biggest breakthroughs have been unveiled.

    FORBES: Quiet Times At Biotech's Big Show

  • But any one of them -- and there are many -- any one of them could have given us information that led us to further information that could have prevented this terrible, terrible tragedy.

    CNN: Solicitor General Ted Olson

  • The NRA has certainly been one of the groups -- one of the many groups invited.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

  • The wider Retail Prices Index measure of inflation - the one used for many pay negotiations - is already at 4.3%.

    BBC: Council workers vote for strike

  • Rather than messing around with fiddly (and privacy-invading) one-to-one marketing, she says, many firms are instead sticking with the old geographical approach, but taking it online.

    ECONOMIST: Geography and the net

  • He threw out roughly one-third to one-half of them, many of which were annotated, and the rest have to be hand-cleaned individually by running a vacuum over the spine and sides.

    WSJ: The $500,000 Housecleaning

  • Countries must reach a consensus on the production of biofuels -- one of the many causes of rising food prices -- and reduce subsidies to those that produce it, Ban said.

    CNN: Ahmadinejad, Mugabe blame West for food crisis

  • Knief had spent a portion of her trip examining libraries in Florida and Louisiana, and she had walked away feeling pleased with how Kern County's far-flung network of seventy-one branches, many of which she had single-handedly expanded, stacked up by comparison.

    NPR: 'Grapes Of Wrath' And The Politics of Book Burning

  • Dr. Buddy Creech, an assistant professor of pediatric infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University, said that Aeromonas hydrophila -- which is "remarkably common in the water and in the environment" -- is one of many bacteria that can cause a flesh-eating process.


  • Wind power has made significant advances in efficiency and scale in recent years, but wind-turbines are still able to handle only one of many wind-speed categories.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Let me tell you, I am -- like that precious little one right there -- many precious little ones. (Applause.) I am so thrilled to be here, and I am thrilled that I will be coming back here to North Carolina next month for our convention.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event

  • So a club winning 100 games in a relatively balanced season--one in which many clubs hover close to 0.500--scores better than a 100-win team from a season with more disparity between weak and strong.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Our candidates in 2012 managed to visit one-fifth as many despite each having access to state-of-the-art aircraft.

    FORBES: Congrats On Your Vote, Too Bad It Probably Didn't Count

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