• Ensure close follow-up and reporting on all ongoing Education activities, working closely with the regional education team led by the Regional Office of Education.

    UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (Education) (19/9/2011) LA/RP/MEX/ED/0003 - (P4)

  • There are already at least nine separate investigations in process, including those by the U.S. Office of Education, the U.S. Department of Civil Rights, and several law enforcement agencies within Pennsylvania.

    FORBES: For Penn State, This Is A Chance To Get Priorities Straight

  • Ensure close follow-up, reporting and accurate feedback on key ongoing Education activities in the Cluster countries, working closely with the regional education team led by the Regional Office of Education, UNCTs and individual UN agencies in the Cluster.

    UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (Education) (8/9/2011) LA/RP/COS/ED/0003 - (P-4)

  • Provide strategic and operational advice to Cluster Governments and Ministries in close cooperation with the Regional Office of Education, UNESCO Education Sector and Institutes, NATCOMs, UNCTs (United Nations Country Teams) and other UNESCO offices as well as international or regional organizations present in the field of Education in the Cluster countries.

    UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (Education) (8/9/2011) LA/RP/COS/ED/0003 - (P-4)

  • Mr. JOHN GANNON (Senior Vice President, Office of Investor Education, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority): Many people think that the typical victim of investment fraud is a little old widow sitting there by herself, alone.

    NPR: Madoff's Alleged Ponzi Scheme Scams Smart Money

  • Last year the Treasury's newly created Office of Financial Education launched a pilot programme, called First Accounts and operating in 26 states, that aims to bring 35, 000 people into the banking system for the first time.

    ECONOMIST: Banking for immigrants

  • When unable to find solutions in their local communities, teachers and families tap into national networks like the Office of Special Education Programs, the Helen Keller National Center, Perkins, and the National Federation of the Blind.

    WHITEHOUSE: After Helen Keller: Empowering Students with Disabilities | The White House

  • Coursera has been informed by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education that under Minnesota Statutes (136A.61 to 136A.71), a university cannot offer online courses to Minnesota residents unless the university has received authorization from the State of Minnesota to do so.

    FORBES: Minnesota Bans Free Online Education

  • Virginia Tech has been, statistically, one of the safest campuses in the U.S. The school of over 27, 000 students reported just 45 crimes in 2005 to the Office of Post Secondary Education, a rate of 1.6 per thousand.

    FORBES: Keeping Campus Crime At Bay

  • Over 90% of campus incidents take the form of burglary and other forms of theft, according to the Office of Post Secondary Education.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • On July 15th, the office of civil rights in the Department of Education advised Richard Atkinson, the president of the University of California, that it was investigating the effect of the regents' ban on preferences in the university's nine campuses.

    ECONOMIST: Education in California

  • In Mongolia, the current statistical data collected by the National Statistical Office and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science does not fully reflect the diversity of the cultural industries sector in the country.

    UNESCO: Fondo Internacional para la Diversidad Cultural

  • In fact, Title IX, that so-called guarantor of equality between the sexes on college campuses, and as applied by a recent directive from the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, has obliterated the presumption of innocence that is so foundational to our traditions of justice.

    WSJ: Judith Grossman: A Mother, a Feminist, Aghast

  • Upon request of the Ministry of Education, UNESCO Iraq Office has completed the assessment of math and science textbooks for grades 4, 8 and 11, according to the international standards and using content analysis approach.

    UNESCO: presents the findings of textbooks evaluation to Minister of Education | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Under the overall authority of the Assistant Director-General for Education and under the direct supervision of the Director of the Rabat Cluster Office, the incumbent shall provide policy advice and technical support to Member States in the Rabat Cluster (Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia) in policy formulation and review, and the development of national education strategies and plans within countries of the Field Office.

    UNESCO: Main Menu

  • Under the overall authority of the Assistant Director-General for Education and under the direct supervision of the Director of the Doha Cluster Office, the incumbent shall provide policy advice and technical support to Member States in the Doha Cluster (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen) in policy formulation and review, and the development of national education strategies and plans within countries of the Field Office.

    UNESCO: Main Menu

  • The greeting words of Mr. Subcelny, the Chairman the Belarus Association of UNESCO Clubs, Mr. Shchasny, the President of Belarus Commission for UNESCO and representatives of the UNESCO Office in Moscow, UNDP Belarus, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, were followed by a series of presentations, introducing good practices in the field of online prevention work.

    UNESCO: ONLINE Prevention on the Agenda of Youth Organizations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Ensure that IESALC programme is fully integrated with that of the Regional Office for Education based in Santiago i.e annual workplans and Log Frames.

    UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (Higher Education) (9/5/2011) (LA/RP/VEN/ED/0003)

  • He also served under President Nixon as chairman of the Federal Trade Commission and director of the Office of Management and Budget, and then secretary of health, education and welfare.

    FORBES: Caspar Weinberger Dies At 88

  • The advisor of Her Highness Office (HHO), the Director of UNESCO Doha Office, the Project Manager at UNESCO Iraq Office, high level officials within the Ministry of Education in Baghdad and KRG, and partner international and national NGOs will participate in the meeting.


  • Near a hospital for eye diseases, is an office building for the Ministry of Higher Education, a new modern building surrounded by concrete blast walls and checkpoints, it was thought to be guarded enough.

    NPR: Gunmen Kidnap up to 150 at Baghdad Facility

  • Seth Galanter, the head of the Education Department's civil rights office, said those problems created "a climate of fear" on the campus that drove some female students to quit.


  • Director of the Bangkok UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Office for Education Mr Gwang-Jo Kim noted that according to the Global Report on the Status of Women in the Media, men outnumbered women 4:1 in media management positions across Asia-Pacific.


  • Kidnapping 150 people from a government office, without informing the minister of Higher Education, means that the operation that was conducted was kidnapping.

    NPR: Gunmen Kidnap up to 150 at Baghdad Facility

  • The UIS is the statistical office of UNESCO and the UN depositary for internationally comparable statistics in the fields of education, science and technology, culture and communication.


  • The UNESCO Iraq Office in cooperation with the Iraqi Ministry of Education, launched in June 2011 a call for proposal for the establishment of community learning centers targeting vulnerable illiterates including women and unemployed youth in Iraq.


  • The meeting is organized jointly by the Caribbean and Latin-American Office of the World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP) and the regional UNESCO Office for Education.


  • At the event, officials from the Departments of Transportation, Labor, Energy, Education, and Agriculture, as well as from the Office of Personnel Management, National Science Foundation, Environmental Protection Agency and Corporation for National and Community Service, met with leaders of STEM mentoring organizations and members of the public.

    WHITEHOUSE: Celebrating Mentoring Month with Science and Engineering

  • Prof Les Ebdon, director of the Office for Fair Access to Higher Education (Offa), said the body's new guidance to universities would emphasise the importance of "sustained, targeted outreach".

    BBC: Poorer pupils 'lack confidence' for top universities

  • And the crime reduction charity, NACRO, would like to see clearer guidance from the Home Office and Department for Education about the kind of information which employers are entitled to seek.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Can background checks ever work?

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