• Conditions could of course be attached to their sale, obliging them to maintain their geographic coverage.

    ECONOMIST: Brazilian banking

  • Crucially, participants are set to sign a protocol obliging businesses to inform the public of their toxic emissions, and will decide on a common environmental strategy and compensations practice in the case of accidents.

    BBC: Chernobyl still haunts hill farms

  • Last autumn Mr Chirac made the mistake of writing to Bill Clinton about the Naples command, obliging him to take a position before the issue had been discussed at a lower level.

    ECONOMIST: France

  • The government says it will soon publish revised guidance, encouraging local authorities to use risk-free land first, and obliging developers to pay for flood defences when they build on risky land.

    ECONOMIST: A hard rain

  • To induce the Democrats to return, the Senate Republicans have passed a rule obliging them to collect their paychecks in person at the capitol.

    ECONOMIST: Taking on the public-sector unions

  • Certain strictures, like obliging men to wear traditional robes, are a small price to pay.


  • At some stage prices will fall, obliging consumers to save much more and spend less.

    ECONOMIST: The dragon and the eagle | The

  • Developers also say the rule obliging them to create social housing as part of private developments makes some schemes unviable.

    BBC: Campaigners angry at Growth and Infrastructure Bill

  • Conversely, Millennials will not have this luxury, obliging them to independently evaluate the intentions, ideology and pragmatism of each Islamist group.

    FORBES: How The Arab Spring Challenges America's 'Millennial' Generation

  • "It is only us taking the commercial initiative that is obliging regulators to act to harmonise, " Mr Cruickshank told the Today programme.

    BBC: More trouble for exchange merger

  • The PBOC also raised reserve requirements on banks six times in 2010, obliging them to set aside 18.5% of their deposits, a record ratio.

    ECONOMIST: Price rises in China

  • Mr Mehlis's report also politely but firmly chides Syria for stalling, despite a UN Security Council resolution obliging it to co-operate fully with the investigation.

    ECONOMIST: Dark deeds in Lebanon | The

  • Adrian Zuckerman of Oxford University reckons that costs cannot be brought down simply by obliging lawyers to explain their charges the method that has mostly been tried so far.

    ECONOMIST: Why the price of justice is going up

  • The youth-offender teams would supervise a range of new punishments, including reparation orders obliging children to confront the victims of their crimes or to perform community service in recompense.

    ECONOMIST: Youth crime

  • American states in the late 19th century treated telegraph lines as common carriers, obliging them to carry dispatches from any person and from any other line at consistent rates.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

  • Since mid-1996, when Mr Klaus's lot won a general election obliging him to run an unwieldy and fractious coalition government without a majority in parliament, the country has drifted.

    ECONOMIST: Is a Czech era ending? | The

  • It would also be hugely unsettling, obliging America to review its region-stabilising troop commitments in South Korea and Japan, and rekindling old rivalries among China, Japan and Russia for influence in Korea.

    ECONOMIST: The region is about to get harder to manage, not easier

  • For example, Mr Alito's vote was decisive in upholding a rule in Kansas obliging jurors to impose the death penalty in murder cases where they deem aggravating and mitigating factors to be of equal weight.

    ECONOMIST: The Supreme Court

  • Despite the interventions of news organizations, including the Times, which argued that obliging Berlinger to turn over the footage would set a dangerous precedent, both the judge, Lewis Kaplan, and an appeals court sided with Chevron.

    NEWYORKER: Reversal of Fortune

  • On 28 July 2010, Catalonia's parliament, after long debate (under Spanish law, citizens who collect at least 50, 000 signatures within 120 days in support of a proposed change in the law may present that petition to the regional parliament, obliging the latter to debate and vote on the proposal) voted 68 to 55 (with nine abstentions) in favour of banning bullfighting in Catalonia.

    BBC: Bullfighting in Catalonia: The death of Barcelona��s ring

  • In theory it may be possible, as France's foreign minister has argued, to obtain a United Nations' resolution obliging the junta to accept aid.

    ECONOMIST: Cyclone in Myanmar

  • It has long denied biographers access to her correspondence, diaries and journals, thus obliging Mr Schultz to rely on fragments released for an exhibition in 2006.

    ECONOMIST: The torment behind the camera

  • When efforts to reach a compromise failed, Jewish groups went public, obliging Iranian officials to confirm the arrests.


  • Some copyright owners in Europe and the US are using IP addresses gathered by monitoring firms to apply for court orders obliging internet service providers to hand over the physical addresses associated with them.

    BBC: BitTorrent study finds most file-sharers are monitored

  • Government spokesman Lord Taylor of Holbeach stopped short of promising to amend the bill, but conceded there was "merit" in the idea of obliging local authorities to have a code of conduct.

    BBC: Localism Bill: Report stage

  • In an apparent effort to regain the political initiative, Mr Hollande's government is also planning to table new laws obliging all members of parliament to declare their assets.

    BBC: Cahuzac scandal: Ministers publish wealth details

  • As a result, St Marc's hospital has been inundated with cholera cases, obliging other patients to go elsewhere.

    ECONOMIST: Rebuilding Haiti: Politics in the time of cholera | The

  • Mr Levitt took an important step in 2000 when he introduced a rule obliging public firms to disclose information to all investors simultaneously.

    ECONOMIST: The SEC rethinks the pre-IPO quiet period

  • Regulators could then cap this yield in effect, obliging the bank to cap its risks, as judged not by regulators but by the market.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

  • Two of Mr Clinton's main policy aims reducing the fiscal deficit and reforming welfare were accomplished during his first term, obliging Mr Gore to look for new frontiers to conquer.

    ECONOMIST: 2001: A Gore Odyssey

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