Drewnowski says that apples, bananas, broccoli and numerous other fruits and vegetables make the list.
Numerous rivers, once the source of human prosperity and rich wildlife, are now heavily polluted.
UNESCO: World Water Day 22 March 2010: Clean Water for a Healthy World
Expertly cited numerous research studies, sensible conclusions (though radical to our culture)balanced and fair reporting.
He graduated in law from Lisbon University and later obtained numerous other academic qualifications.
Braunstein said there are numerous actions the bank takes before foreclosing on a home.
FORBES: JPMorgan Beats Estimates And Saves For A Litigious Day
Since then it has stormed into popular culture, littered a thousand newspaper headlines and prompted numerous "backronyms".
Considering its age, the underground city is in excellent condition and is accessible today via numerous tours.
Numerous politicians have found remarks that they thought were private being captured by open microphones.
The touch points for pharma are numerous and represent areas for engagement and support.
While he may have had numerous media interview opportunities, somehow they never turn out quite right.
Numerous radio and television networks have promised to air public service announcement as well.
CNN: Clinton kicks off campaign to insure children under Medicaid
However, I have heard it discussed at numerous fraud conferences that I attended over the years.
Numerous different antimicrobials have been employed to treat M catarrhalis infection (see below).
Still, there were numerous iOS favorites missing, including Tweetbot, Instagram, Pandora, Spotify, Hulu and Netflix.
Downturns occur when these countless daily fluctuations accumulate into numerous firms across varied industries faltering simultaneously.
She found that law contains numerous concessions to executive power, such as allowing emergency wiretaps.
The probe into Mr. Rigby's death has resulted in numerous other arrests in recent days.
Tunisia has seen numerous clashes between the authorities and hardline Islamists since the uprising in 2011.
BBC: Tunisia bars Ansar al-Sharia Salafist meeting in Kairouan
And these rules are in addition to the numerous reports and studies that Act also commissioned.
FORBES: Dangers Abound As Financial Reform Goes From Blueprint To Bricks
But Mr Sanford defied numerous calls to step down before his term ended in January 2011.
The threads that run between them are numerous, based on complicated and very sticky long-term relationships.
FORBES: Berkshire Hathaway Gets An "I" For Incomplete On Sokol Investigation
He required numerous surgeries on his shattered face, and stayed in the hospital for several weeks.
The country has been hit by numerous conflicts since it gained independence from Belgium in 1960.
Bacher was sent numerous invitations to travel to Pakistan to give evidence, but he never appeared.
As we witness the chaos associated with college football conference realignment unfold, numerous sentiments abound.
FORBES: College Football Profiteering A Necessary Evil for Financing Athletics, Long-Term Branding
Shulman never even responded to numerous inquiries directed to him from Grassley about the whistleblower program.
Austen analyzes these foundational concepts in examples too numerous and systematic to be considered incidental.
The company did not heed numerous warning signs and is now paying the consequences.
Take, for example, the prevelance today of numerous, costly tests that appear to be unnecessary.