• It is a novel antitrust theory, but as a lawsuit it reflects everything wrong with our politicized and anti-business government.

    FORBES: U.S. Government's Misguided 'Fixes' Hurt Us All

  • It is not just that this charge is based on a novel legal theory: this week, the judge in her case, Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum, considered whether to toss out this charge altogether.

    ECONOMIST: America's corporate trials

  • This allegation, not included in the Starr referral, is even more curious than the previous one, because it's based on a novel legal theory, which is -- jeopardizes all lawyers in the building -- which is that a client has an enforceable obligation to correct his attorney's alleged misstatements, and if he doesn't make those corrections, he, the client, will be held liable to charges of perjury and obstruction of justice.


  • For a novel and somewhat dispiriting theory of economic divergence, read A Farewell to Alms, published this year, by Gregory Clark of the University of California at Davis.

    FORBES: Wealth and Poverty

  • The lion's share of access to Titan in the coming year will come from the Department of Energy's Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment program, better known as INCITE.

    ENGADGET: Cray's Jaguar supercomputer upgraded with NVIDIA Tesla GPUs, renamed Titan

  • An anthropocentric humanism finds expression in this novel in the very sensual pleasures of life and in the theory of chaos, pictured as a waterwheel with an irregular spin that creates a butterfly-like pattern which is impossible to predict but beautiful to behold.

    ECONOMIST: Grief in fiction

  • What is novel is the digital toolkit available to help businesses and their leaders become more social, more open, more Theory Y, more Model 2, etc.

    FORBES: Social Business Is Past Retirement Age

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