• The fact that years before they had been not-so-covertly financed by the CIA was seen as a forever unforgivable sin.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • Israel Radio reported on Tuesday that senior Israeli officials had said that the Palestinian Authority is not honoring the terms of the truce negotiated by U.S. CIA Director George Tenet, and that the truce was being reassessed.

    CNN: Peres, Arafat to meet, U.N. chief says

  • The president spoke words in his State of the Union message that--about the nuclear efforts of Saddam Hussein that three times they had been in writing and verbally warned by the CIA were not accurate.

    NPR: Sen. John Kerry on Iraq War, Rosa Parks

  • She says the report establishes a pattern of flights and practices by the CIA that could not have taken place without high-level government acknowledgement.

    NPR: European Investigation Reports Undeclared CIA Flights

  • First, though, Saddam faces weeks if not months of interrogation by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

    ECONOMIST: What next for Iraq? | The

  • He served this country with great distinction in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and as head of the CIA. By his own assessment, he did not meet the standards that he felt were necessary as the Director of CIA with respect to this personal matter that he is now dealing with, with his family and with his wife.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Press Conference

  • The memo he wrote to his CIA director was necessitated by the observation he made that there was not the kind of focus that there needed to be.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Jon Durham, the prosecutor assigned to the case by former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, decided not to charge the undercover officers and lawyers at the CIA over the destruction of the tapes.

    BBC: No charges in CIA waterboarding video destruction

  • He has been the object of years of systematic and all-too-effective efforts mounted by the U.S. State Department and the CIA to discredit, if not destroy, him and his organization.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • All executive directives, orders, and regulations inconsistent with this order, including but not limited to those issued to or by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from September 11, 2001, to January 20, 2009, concerning detention or the interrogation of detained individuals, are revoked to the extent of their inconsistency with this order.

    WHITEHOUSE: Executive Order 13491 -- Ensuring Lawful Interrogations

  • Increasing investments in global AIDS is not just a moral and public health imperative but, as documented by the CIA, will help abate civil unrest and destabilization that can breed factions sympathetic to terrorism and threaten global security.

    WHITEHOUSE: Winning the Battle Against HIV/AIDS

  • Those officials were instructed by CIA headquarters not to give FBI interrogators access to Binalshibh or the second senior operative.

    FORBES: 45 Minutes to Interrogate the 9/11 Plotter

  • By law, the military is not able to act covertly the way the CIA can, and it must answer to Congress.


  • Last year, when the White House was weighing up its options, it was told by CIA analysts that US arms would not "materially" change the military balance.

    BBC: Analysis: US Syria strategy aims to salvage reputation

  • Because the two suspects - Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri - were being held overseas in secret CIA prisons, however, they are likely not covered by the order.

    NPR: Judge Weighs Legality of CIA Tapes' Destruction

  • "This relationship is focused on supporting the Iraqis to deal with terrorist threats within their borders, and not about ramping up unilateral operations" by the U.S. military or CIA, a senior Obama administration official said of the U.S. move to heighten the CIA's involvement.

    WSJ: CIA Ramps Up Role in Iraq

  • The RQ-170 Sentinel is an advanced high-altitude surveillance drone used by both the US Air Force and the CIA. It does not carry weapons.

    BBC: Iran shows 'hacked US spy drone' video footage

  • Good intelligence by the CIA and FBI is the way to stop these crackpots, not empty security theater that makes life more difficult for law-abiding people.

    FORBES: Local Government Stupidity Contest

  • In fact, the problem appears to be that the CIA was most misled by planted information concerning Soviet political affairs, not military capabilities.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Another report, prepared by former CIA director John Deutch, also concluded that the US "is not making optimal use of its economic leverage in combating proliferation".

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Take for instance Muhammed Ali and how much he suffered for daring to say the Vietnam war is unjust, MalcomX, Noam Chomsky, a former CIA agent Dr Fuisz who claims Libya is not responsible for the Lockerbie bombing and is being gagged by the US government under state secrecy laws and faces 10 years in prison if he reveals the truth about Lockerbie.

    BBC: Your comments on the programme

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