• Scientific, cultural and educational audiovisual content cross continents on information highways -- the new global commons -- but, for this, States must effectively safeguard this heritage and disseminate it appropriately.


  • Cloud served supercomputing will create a powerful new infrastructure for commons creating.

    FORBES: Why Dictatorial CEOs Increasingly Put Their Companies at Risk (and What to Do About It)

  • Unless matters change dramatically in its final four days, it seemed as if the make-up of the new House of Commons might look remarkably like that of the outgoing one, though the NDP and the Greens may pick up a few seats at the expense of the Liberals.

    ECONOMIST: Economic fears ambush Stephen Harper��s hopes of a majority

  • The Welsh government has put its case in new evidence to the Commons Welsh affairs committee.

    BBC: HS2 Welsh cash bid hits buffers

  • Lord Carter, the Labour former government chief whip, said the potential for legislative "gridlock" between the new Lords and the Commons had not been looked at.

    BBC: Heavyweights clash over Lords reform

  • It was not until March 1996 that Mr Dorrell told the Commons a new strain of CJD had emerged, probably linked to consumption of infected beef.

    BBC: You are in: UK

  • This is not exactly a call for a new type of creative commons, though CC licensing has clearly aided the growth of services like Flickr and platforms like WordPress.

    FORBES: Copyright and Related Laws Hold Back Innovation and Growth, Say British

  • But Home Secretary Theresa May said the government had no intention of introducing pilot schemes, telling the Commons the new commissioners will be brought in "across England and Wales as a whole".

    BBC: Elected police commissioner plan 'needs pilot scheme'

  • On 10 November 2010, DUP deputy leader Nigel Dodds told the Commons that new legislation was needed to ensure that the authorities were better able to deal with all types of sustained abuse against pensioners and vulnerable adults.

    BBC: Elderly people 'need better protection from abuse'

  • There'll also be considerable debate on the new clauses introduced in the Commons on press regulation - the Conservative peer Lord Lucas has put down a series of amendments dealing with the problem of applying the new system to the internet.

    BBC: Week ahead

  • And there are some high-powered issues to chew over - the balance of power between the Commons and the new Senate (or whatever it is to be called), the proportion to be elected or appointed, the presence of the Church of England bishops (excluding them would come close to disestablishment of the state church, so antidisestablishmentarianism may become a factor) and much, much more.

    BBC: Lords reform looks set to snarl up the Commons

  • MPs must seize the initiative and hand extensive new powers to select committees, Commons Speaker John Bercow has said.

    BBC: Commons Speaker calls for sweeping new committee powers

  • Whether he will be applauded by the press once the report has been digested, or whether MPs in the House of Commons will applaud the new proposals for the press, will become clear very shortly.

    BBC: Leveson report: Media reaction

  • As the pair met for their first Commons clash of the new year on 12 January 2011, Mr Cameron said the last government had failed to regulate the City effectively and impose conditions restricting bonuses when it bailed out the banks.

    BBC: PMQs: Cameron 'out of touch' on bankers' bonuses

  • And Labour former Cabinet minister David Blunkett expressed concerns that the new government had made announcements outside the Commons on changing the voting system, Lords reform, spending cuts and the mechanism for dissolving Parliament.

    BBC: Cameron hails 'new start' for politics as MPs return

  • Last year a new Debt Relief Bill was launched in the Commons - a private members bill, but written by the Treasury.

    BBC: UK stops 'vulture funds' picking on poor

  • Elected at the start of each new Parliament by all the members of the Commons, the Speaker will be a respected senior MP.

    BBC: Speaker

  • Mr Wilson complained that journalists had not covered a House of Commons Transport committee meeting to discuss new EU requirements for motorbike testing.

    BBC: Wilson condemns media on expenses

  • So a strange rebirth of Liberal England would hit the Tories first, further dividing the opposition side of the Commons, something that would delight New Labour.

    BBC: The political conundrum of right and left

  • In the Commons there was concern that the new laws would lead to a takeover of Channel 5 by Mr Murdoch's News Corporation, which owns 32% of the British newspaper market.

    BBC: Media ownership laws to be relaxed

  • She said her party remained willing to force a Commons vote on proposals for a new system in response to the Leveson Inquiry if cross-party talks faltered and stressed the need for progress before the end of January.

    BBC: Tory plans for royal press charter attacked

  • On 12 October 2010, the shadow chancellor, making his first Commons appearance since being appointed by new Labour leader Ed Miliband last week, challenged Mr Osborne on whether there had been any shift in his plans to eliminate the deficit by 2015.

    BBC: Johnson critices Osborne in first Commons clash

  • Minutes after he did so the prime minister swapped places and a smile with his deputy Nick Clegg who took the unprecedented step of making his own separate Commons statement saying that only a new law could guarantee the independence of any regulator.

    BBC: Leveson Inquiry: Will Cameron regret Leveson?

  • Her comments came two hours after Gordon Brown outlined a range of new counter-terrorism measures to MPs in a Commons statement.

    BBC: Ministers defend counter-terror spending in Pakistan

  • He also told the House of Commons that all UK airports must have new "explosion trace detection equipment" by the end of the year.

    BBC: Failed airline bombing statement

  • In a recent report, the cross-party Commons committee urged ministers to develop a new series of measures to tackle the harm caused by drug misuse and suggested an independent Royal Commission should take a fresh look at policy and the changing international context by 2015.

    BBC: A syringe and heroin on a spoon

  • The power of the purse would be transferred from the House of Commons to the Governor and Directors of the new Company.

    BBC: Central banks are part of the state

  • One other point - as predicted in this blog at the new year - Nick Clegg makes his debut before the Commons Liaison Committee.

    BBC: Week ahead in committees

  • In a statement to the House of Commons, Mr Cable announced a range of new finance and insurance products as part of a Trade and Investment White Paper.

    BBC: Export help for small businesses unveiled

  • More than 60 Labour MPs have signed a Commons motion calling the proposed powers of the new Infrastructure Planning Commission - an independent body which would take decisions on major infrastructure - "inordinate and unprecedented".

    BBC: Row threatens planning shake-up

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