• In Kibaale, a national task force has been mobilized in an effort to stem the outbreak.


  • In March 2011 the South African parliament formed a national task force to stop the abuses.

    FORBES: The Business Behind Change.org's Activist Petitions

  • Physicians often don't have the time or training to coach patients through end-of-life-care conversations, says Bernard Hammes, chairman of a national task force that helps develop Polst programs.

    WSJ: New Efforts to Simplify End-of-Life-Care Wishes

  • The report recommends the establishment of an "independent national task force" with a strong mandate and the resources to implement a religious tolerance and freedoms strategy for the country.

    BBC: Indonesia urged to tackle religious intolerance

  • In 2010, I was proud to create the National Equal Pay Task Force to identify and combat equal pay violations.

    WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Proclamation -- National Equal Pay Day, 2012

  • The FBI National Joint Terrorism Task force will be discussed as well as the flow of threat information and how information is investigated, evaluated, and disseminated.

    FORBES: No Food, No Drink If Agroterrorism Hits USA

  • Following the many smaller refereeing and match-fixing scandals that have consistently affected Chinese football since the launch of a professional league in 1993, there was strong political pressure to deal with this latest national embarrassment and a national-level joint task force brought together all the required security, judicial and party branches.

    BBC: Business

  • There are no representatives from the National Rifle Association on the task force, Carroll said in response to a question.


  • An interagency task force under the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) is focusing on possible improvements to Circular A-21 with the goal of recommending to the NSTC and OMB specific revisions and clarifications.

    WHITEHOUSE: Feedback on Circular A-21 Invited

  • Mr. Rosen is Treasurer of the United States International Council on Disabilities, a Member of the National Association of the Deaf Employment Task Force, and serves as an advisor to the World Federation of the Deaf.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts

  • An emergency task group of the Brazilian National Force has been sent to the region to assist local authorities.

    BBC: Rains cause deadly landslides in Petropolis, Brazil

  • The White House has a weekly conference call with an informal group of Catholic advisers, and the Republican National Committee has revived a Catholic task-force.

    ECONOMIST: George Bush is redefining the religious right

  • As I've said in my recent visits to the National Counterterrorism Center and the Joint Terrorism Task Force, we are extraordinarily grateful to them for the hard work, without any fanfare, that they do to keep the American people safe.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Welcomes Senators Hagel and Boren to Intelligence Team | The White House

  • The collaborative work of the EPA, General Services Administration (GSA), Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the dozen additional agencies represented on the e-waste task force that developed the National Strategy over the past eight months is an example to all who manufacture and distribute electronic products.

    WHITEHOUSE: Sprint Declares Commitment as E-waste Impacts Grow

  • That seems to be an overwhelming task for the Haitian National Police, a force of about 9, 000.

    CNN: Survivors still being pulled from Haiti rubble

  • The action plan is the government's formal response to recommendations made by the Biomass Task Force, headed by former National Farmers' Union president, Sir Ben Gill.

    BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Ministers bullish on biomass fuel

  • Beyond that, as elucidated in my writing (including my proposal for a new national security court, which I understand the Task Force has perused), I believe alien enemy combatants should be detained at Guantanamo Bay (or a facility like it) until the conclusion of hostilities.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • That's why we're committed to setting up a national border police, with Lord Stevens leading a task force to produce a plan for making it happen.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: Cameron speech

  • Obama Administration officials today released the Final Recommendations of the Ocean Policy Task Force, which would establish a National Policy for the Stewardship of the Ocean, Coasts, and Great Lakes (National Policy) and create a National Ocean Council (NOC) to strengthen ocean governance and coordination.

    WHITEHOUSE: Final Recommendations of the Ocean Policy Task Force Announced | The White House

  • In collaboration with the leadership provided through the National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF), the Task Force will identify opportunities for achieving rebuilding success, consistent with the NDRF's commitment to support economic vitality, enhance public health and safety, protect and enhance natural and manmade infrastructure, and ensure appropriate accountability.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • The President has charged the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force with developing a recommendation for a national policy that ensures protection, maintenance, and restoration of oceans, our coasts and the Great Lakes.

    WHITEHOUSE: Council on Environmental Quality Blog

  • An inter-government task force has been formally established, with the National Health and Family Planning Commission leading the coordination along with the Ministry of Agriculture and other key ministries.

    FORBES: Bird Flu Claims More Lives In Shanghai

  • The idea of a single "Car Czar" to oversee the rebuilding of the auto industry is now out the window, replaced by a task force led by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and National Economic Council Director Larry Summers, two of the most over-extended men in the history of American government.

    CNN: Commentary: Wall Street got the better bailout

  • As an independent task force, our role was to recommend changes to national and international tax rules to take better account of value creation by digital firms.

    FORBES: Corporate Tax 2.0: Why France and the World Need a New Tax System for the Digital Age

  • The National Sleep Foundation's 2013 Sleep in America poll, the task force of which was headed by Dr. Hirshkowitz, showed that exercise at any time of day, even close to bedtime, appears to be good for sleep.

    WSJ: When It's Worth It to Skip a Workout and Sleep

  • The Department of Defense (DOD) Science Board Task Force has determined that reducing military fuel demand is a national defense priority.

    CNN: Commentary: Save automakers to help economy and security

  • Mr. Marriott serves as Chairman of the Board of the National Zoo and is a director of the board of the Washington Airport Task Force.

    FORBES: John Marriott

  • The National Rifle Association said it was "disappointed" with a White House task force meeting Thursday, saying it expected mental health, the "marketing of violence to our kids" and school safety to be top topics.


  • In 2009, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) initiated the Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force, which includes representatives from more than 20 Federal Agencies.

    WHITEHOUSE: Browse White House visitor logs

  • The conversations the task force is having with stakeholders on all sides -- including the National Rifle Association -- parallel the debates happening at dinner tables and on Facebook news feeds.


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