• Robert Solow was once asked (by a very famous mathematician whose name I have forgotten) whether there was anything in the social sciences that was not obvious or trivial.

    FORBES: Most Economics is Just Organised Common Sense

  • Ten years from now you will probably have forgotten the name of that authentic hole-in-wall local bistro you found, or the off-the-beaten path residential neighborhood you strolled through, but you will remember that gondola ride.

    FORBES: 10 Most Touristy-Things Travelers Should Do Anyway

  • What could underscore the fact that your life has lost its purpose more than sending your radio-controlled robotic shark around and around in your swimming pool, paid for by a lobbyist who's now forgotten your name.

    NPR: Gift Suggestions for Your Congressperson

  • One day, some of these horses were forgotten by their herders, with consequences sadly apparent from the name.

    BBC: Utah��s astonishing wild side

  • And yet when the history of this country is written, it is this small, quiet woman whose name will be remembered long after the names of senators and presidents have been forgotten.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • The full name was al Qaeda al Jihad, the Base for Holy War, but people had forgotten the second half.

    FORBES: Osama Bin Laden, Marketing Man

  • It is often forgotten that the man who wants a Lib Dem revival almost as much as Clegg goes by the name of Cameron.

    BBC: Nick Clegg: It's sausage time

  • Scipio Africanus does not have the name recognition today of Julius Caesar, but there would have been no Caesar without Scipio's now largely forgotten achievements.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • If you have forgotten your phone you will type in your phone number and a secret code (or simply speak your name) and carry on shopping.

    ECONOMIST: Consumer banking

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